"Film Bro" Movies That I Enjoy With Zero Shame
As a self-proclaimed Film Diva
Listen, I love movies of all kinds. I'm always down to watch the Avengers set a whole city on fire to stop some bad guy or to end up sleeping with the lights on because I re-watched "The Conjuring" at 2 in the morning. I will also defend the quality of the "Mamma Mia" series with my life - those movies are masterpieces. Anyways, there are certain movies that are considered to be "film bro" movies. A "film bro" is defined as someone who proclaims that they love movies, but is very condescending when discussing them with others and always believes that they know more about film than anyone else. Certain movies have been given the title of "Film Bro Movie" due to their high popularity amongst film bros. However, even with their bad reputation, some of these movies are actually incredible.
1. The Social Network
Facebook wall decorPhoto by Alex Haney on UnsplashThis movie has Andrew Garfield in it - an immediate five stars just for that. Also, if you hate Facebook, this movie is for you. It's witty, fast-paced, and full of drama. It is considered a "film bro movie" mainly because it is directed by David Fincher, who has directed a plethora of these kinds of movies. With his most notable film being "Fight Club" from 1999.
2. The Wolf of Wall Street
black and white street signPhoto by lo lo on UnsplashIf a man tells you this is his favorite movie, that is an immediate red flag. This movie glamorizes and glorifies just about every single deviant activity you could possibly imagine. You might be wondering why I actually enjoy this movie, and it is for two main reasons. First off it has Margot Robbie in it which is always a win. And two, it is incredibly entertaining. It is 3 hours long, but it only feels like maybe one and a half hours. Watching these ultra-rich scammers try to deal with their problems is objectively laughable entertainment.
3. Inception
Photo by John Adams on Unsplash"Inception" is a "film bro movie" because film bros absolutely LOVE to mansplain it to anyone who gives them the opportunity. I've seen it twice, and I honestly still don't think I understand it fully. However, it is a masterpiece of a movie, and I think everyone should give it a watch at least once! Plus, Joseph Gordon Levitt and Elliot Page are in it, and who doesn't love them?
4. Ocean's 11
aerial photography of casinoPhoto by Chuma A on Unsplash"Ocean's 11" is one of my favorite movies ever. It is one of the cult classics of the heist movie genre and gets its film bro reputation because the cast is almost entirely male. However, it is 100% worth loving, even with its not-so-great reputation.
To conclude, I will continue to love whatever movies I want to love, regardless of their reputation amongst the film community - and you should do the same. Sometimes, those film bros actually do have pretty good taste.