10 Beauty Trends Making Their Debut In 2019
2019 trends are beginning and making debuts!
The first of the month of 2019 is almost over, hopefully, you have noticed some trends that are starting to come about if not don't worry I got you! There are so many different trends that are starting to come about. Here are just a few...
1. Mircoblading.
I think mircoblading has been a trend but I think now people are starting to see that it's the new wave. Mircoblading is like a tattoo. It is permanent for a certain amount of time. It's helpful because it looks natural and you don't have to always worry about filling your eyebrows in.
2. Lace frontal laid and slayed.
Okay, I think lace frontal wigs started to become WAY more of a trend at the end of 2018. Now all I see on Instagram and and Youtube are tutorials on how to make or apply a lace frontal wig. I really think a lace frontal is a good investment because if applied right it looks real and it's protecting your hair.
3. Brow Extensions??
I'm adding this into trends for 2019 because I know this is something that is going to catch on. Basically, there are now hairs that you can apply to your eyebrows to make them look more full and they actually look like real hairs. Here's a link if you're wondering what this may look like.
4. Soft glam looks are making a way.
I think 2018 was all about the glam, who could have the most extra look. Now in 2019, I think people are starting to go for more of a soft glam looks, sometimes soft glam is what sets the whole looks.
5. Turmeric is something you'll end up loving!
Turmeric is coming for 2019! Every time I am on Instagram all I see is people using turmeric for so many different things such as reducing dark circles, it's used as an antioxidant, and much more. So give it a try and see what results you get from it.
6. Gloss on lids.
You read right, glossy eyelids are a thing, it wasn't really popping in 2018 but for sure is going to create a new wave for 2019. Glossy lids are different, but also very simple.
Glossy lids will help make your look for creative.
7. Bold lips are here.
2019 is all about the bold lip colors. It use to be just throw on some lip gloss (you still should) but now it is all about how can you make your lip color pop. Bold reds, pinks, purples, etc..
Match your lipstick with your eyeshadow, try to step outside the box.
8. Y'all know I had to add this....
E.L.F. COSMETICS WILL BE THE TOP RATED BEAUTY COMPANY IN 2019 I'M SAYING IT NOW! e.l.f. is so underrated but to me is the best. Now, don't get me wrong sometimes you get what you pay for but listen in my opinion you can't go wrong with e.l.f.
You can buy a whole face mask kit for $25! Whereas anywhere else would probably charge you $50 for a kit. I am standing by e.l.f.
9. Dermarolling has what attached??
Okay, I think dermarolling is starting to become big because people are seeing other people doing it. Dermarolling is basically this roller that goes on how your skin and there are tiny needles attached.
It helps with circulating blood in the face, acne, and absorb products. Now from what I have read from Huda Beauty's blog people with darker skin like myself need to be careful due to a higher increase of hyper-pigmenting.
Dermarolling scares me because of the tiny needles attached but this could be a product that might be worth investing in.
10. Drug store products are becoming known.
Lastly, drug store products seem to be making a debut. I think people are starting to notice that drug store products work just as well are other products. I also think people want to save and are noticing that it can be easy to save when it comes to makeup and drug store products.
And that's that! 2019 trends are only beginning!