If You Choose To Live In Five Points, Stop Complaining
If you're unhappy then move; don't force the bars to close down for your convenience.
Truthfully, when I came to USC, I didn't really understand the whole draw to Five Points. But going out more as I got older and experienced more things, I see the value in it. Not just for bars, but there are restaurants and businesses there too. If you live nearby or on campus, it's super convenient to go down there for lunch, to the cleaners, to get a tattoo, or what have you. But even at night when all the college kids are out at the bars drinking, it's for fun. Maybe he had three exams this week. Maybe she's taking 18 credit hours this semester. Whatever it is, people are there to have a good time and unwind.
So to the people who are complaining about the bars being open too late and too much ruckus in the area, I have no sympathy for you. I will admit sometimes unfortunate things happen in Five Points. I'm not trying to excuse that. But most of the people who go out on the weekends are there to enjoy themselves and not to harm others. And people who want to cause trouble can and will do it anywhere.
So, what is your goal in trying to get all of these bars closed? The same amount of people are gonna go out, maybe more since the university keeps admitting more students. So all you're doing is concentrating more people in fewer bars and making the lines longer.
You're out here chanting "Bring Back Five Points!" and for what? Bars have been a part of Five Points for decades. My mom went to USC in the early '80s trust me, not too much has changed. So what exactly are you trying to bring back? And I just want to say I hope you do your research before you move to any area. Because if you did, you knew what Five Points was before you moved here.
So again, I don't feel bad for you.
And if you didn't... then I can't help you and that's on you.
I just want to be able to enjoy my time in college on the weekends with my friends. And I know most other people at USC feel that way. And I want to have options on places to go. But at this rate, with Cotton Gin close and Cover 3 closing that won't be possible for much longer.
Also, I hope all of you that are trying to get these bars closed realize that by doing so, you'll be bringing in significantly less money to the area and the city. If you've ever been in Five Points on the weekend, and actually tried to order a drink, you know those bars make a KILLING. Why would you want to stop economic development in your city? Since that's all most of you care about anyway. Why cut off your nose to spite your face?
So really, if you're one of the older adults who has a problem with Five Points' bars... I don't care and just move. You can afford it. Stop trying to steal the joy of people that are a quarter of your age because you're grumpy and over the hill.