10 Bible Verses For The Girl In That Dreadful Season Of Waiting
While you are waiting, He is busy working in you to make you a strong woman of faith.
We all hate waiting. Waiting in lines? Nope. Waiting for your package to get to your house? Torture. Waiting for a response to s risky text? Astronomically painful.
Therefore, when God puts us in a season of waiting, our initial response is to roll our eyes and groan and retreat under our covers and sleep until it's over. However, a season of waiting can be very beneficial to your faith and walk with Christ. Here are some Bible verses for anyone waiting.
Don't just stop at the Bible verse though, explore the passage and chapter and follow the people in the Bible as they go through what you are going through now!
1. Isaiah 60:22
"When the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen."
It's all on His time. Not ours. He put you in this season for a reason, allow Him to reveal it to you.
2. Psalm 27:14
"When I wait, You strengthen my heart."
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Allow the Lord to strengthen your heart at this time.
3. Psalm 37:7
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
Get rid of that impatience and embrace where He has you now. He is busy working in you to make you a strong woman of faith.
4. Ecclesiastes 3:1
"To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
He doesn't do anything without a reason or purpose. Whatever it may be, pray for God to reveal it to you and to work within you.
5. Hebrews 6:15
"And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised."
Abraham is an incredible biblical figure whose story is a great one to read and study as you are in your season of waiting. From him to Sarah to the promises of the Lord, you will be filled with great stories of other people waiting on the Lord.
6. Romans 8:18
"The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming."
You know the song that has the lines, "But joy comes in the morning." Listen to that. Because it's true. Joy WILL come tomorrow. In a world that is very shaky, that much is certain.
7. Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
Just like how a seed has to wait to be watered to grow into a beautiful sunflower, you have to be watered and give time to grow. Just you wait though, your sunflower moment is coming.
8. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
"In everything give thanks."
It can be hard for you to say thanks for something you didn't ask nor want. But God never does anything without a purpose and will not harm you. Thank Him for all the good things He is currently doing in your life and that you get to see Him work in you during this season.
9. John 13:7
"Jesus replied, "You do not realize now, what I am doing, but later you will understand.""
When I was seven I went on a quest to teach myself how to knit. I took some string and two pencils and proceeded to do my version of knitting. As can be expected, my scarf looked more like a big tangled ball, but it worked. If I got enough yarn it would eventually look like a scarf. My grandma saw what I was doing, took it from me, and told me to hold on as she went to the back room.
I admit I was a little annoyed at her. I worked hard on that scarf thing, why did she do that?
After a few minutes of waiting she came back with proper knitting needles and luscious white yarn. Then, she taught me slowly how to knit. In the end, her version of it was ten times better than mine. She even gave me the needles and yarn and took me shopping to get me more supplies.
I didn't realize at first but she was doing when she took the pencils from me, but when she came back with real supplies and expertise and took the time to sit down and teach me how to knit, it was more than I could have ever imagined. God is a little like that. We may be confused at what He is doing at first, but later we understand, and it's better than anything we could have done.