Men, Girls Are A Lot More Simple Than You Think, Please Stop Trying To Make Things Complicated
We really aren't that complicated, maybe men just need to start listening to what we're saying.
Are some girls complicated? Yes. Then again some men are extremely complicated as well. The real problem isn't all that complicated to understand though. What many people fail to realize is that communication (or rather the lack thereof), can make relationships super easy but also super confusing. Whether it be in person, texting, over the phone or nothing at all, how you choose to communicate with someone affects how they respond. Most girls in general just want to able to communicate with the person they're interested in. They want to be able to express their emotions and feelings without fear of being ghosted or chastised. In today's age, it's hard to open up to other people because social media has made us put up all these walls. Walls that protect us from being hurt or teased, but also block us from showing the world who we really are.
As a woman, I find it especially frustrating when my guy friends make jokes about how complicated the girls they're talking to can be. Usually, they'll explain the situation, show me some texts or snap messages and expect me to agree with them. Sometimes I do and I'll agree that maybe the girl wasn't being as straightforward or clear as one could hope. Most of the time though, I'll find that my guy friend is the one making things way more complicated then they need to be.
You see, most people want to be invited to things whether it's a simple hang out or a house party, it's nice to know someone wants you to come. I've come to realize that men do not understand what inviting someone is. They send unemotional last minute texts like "you should come" or "party tonight?" that makes the person receiving them feel anything but special. The problem is, is that texts or snaps like these make the receiver feel like asking them was a chore or something you thought of last minute. There was no planning or excitement within the message to make seem as if you actually wanted them to come. How it comes off is, you are cool about them coming but you were also fine if they didn't. And that's where it becomes complicated.
Girls, in general, aren't complicated, neither are guys. We have made it complicated by communicating through emojis and gifs, instead of just explaining to each other what we want. Most women just want you to want them to come; they don't want a quick text message an hour before a party starts or an entire day to go by before you respond to a call or text. A very easy way to not make things complicated is to just not make it complicated. If you want to see someone, say that. If you like someone, say it. All this bouncing around simple questions makes relationships and dating so much harder than it needs to be.
At the end of the day everyone just wants attention and to be wanted by the person that they like. There is nothing wrong with showing someone that you like them. If your guy friends or girl friends make fun of you for 'catching feelings', just ignore them and don't let it ruin the possibility of a great relationship. And can we please stop calling people complicated when they are just trying to have a normal conversation with you. Instead of jumping to conclusions or becoming frustrated just hear each other out. Actually, listen to what the other person is saying instead of writing them off so quickly.
Girls aren't that complicated - maybe boys just need to learn how to explain their emotions.