6 Things To Do If You Don't Know What You Want To Major In At FSU
Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is hard work.
If you're anything like me, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, let alone major in when I came to college at FSU. Growing up, I went from wanting to be a chef, to a nutritionist, to a physical therapist, to writing and possibly teaching. It was too hard to try and choose because they all seemed like such great occupations that I would love, and yet which idea did I love the most? I couldn't tell you. I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do as a career, but I was able to find a major I loved and narrow down some of my options.
My freshman year, I had to do some serious soul searching. I was currently what FSU calls an "Exploratory Major." This meant that I was researching and "exploring" what I would possibly want to major in and getting General Education classes taken care of in the meantime. I took what was called a FIG or a Freshman Interest Group for Editing, Writing, and Media. A FIG is generally taught by a Senior in said major and can only be taken your freshman year fall semester. This FIG let me try out some of the classes I would be taking if I did, in fact, declare Editing, Writing, and Media as my major. This experience was the best for me because I was almost able to "try out" the major as well as have a group of fellow freshman who I had every class with. It helped me start my search for a major while adjusting to the big atmosphere of college life.
After the FIG, I discovered that I really liked Editing, Writing, and Media, but I didn't like everything about it. I decided that Creative Writing was the right major for me and alas that's what I decided to declare as my major. Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is hard work. Here are 7 things you can do if you don't know what you want to major in at FSU.