If You Grew Up Chubby, You Can Probably Relate To These 5 Things
Growing up chubby really was a struggle.
We are glad to have finally outgrown the forced mile runs and learned to deal with chaffing in a way that we can walk in shorts without pain. But what we haven't forgotten as we approach adulthood, is the psychological toll and memories of what it was like to be the last kid picked in gym class.
I have decided to take a trip down memory lane to reminisce and laugh at the struggles of growing up as 'the chubby kid'.
1. Chaffing
Better known as 'chub rub'. It is that hot summer day and you're walking down the boardwalk with your friends trying to hide the pain from the FIREY burn between your thighs. You finally get home to rip those suffocating shorts off and ice those wounded inner thighs.
2. Anxiety when receiving a pool party invitation
Summer is approaching and those summer birthday parties are coming around. "Mom I am not going to that" was the common response, no thinking twice. And my mom knew the reason why.
3. Dreading gym class
The anxiety of walking into the locker room to get changed and being forced to partake in sports you had absolutely no interest in at all. Unfortunately for my cookie-loving self, my middle school had a 'Workout Wednesday'. Students were forced to run a mile or take a pacer test. I nearly passed out every time, and if you didn't have a friend to run with (more like walk and then jog when the teacher was looking) who also enjoyed eating more than moving it was even worse.
4. Going to the Doctors for a physical
Ever since I could remember I heard the same two things at the end of my physical. You're shorter and weigh more than the average kid. I liked to call that balance.
5. Comparing Yourself to Others
The worst of all and takes the biggest toll on everyday life, is comparing yourself to others. Especially in the new age of Instagram models, it is more prevalent than ever. But growing up overweight, never feeling quite comfortable in your skin leads to a diminishing sense of self-worth. That is why us chubby kids have had to work harder to get to a point of self-acceptance.
Though all of these things inevitably sucked and we weren't blessed with fast metabolisms, it has shaped who we have become. Without this struggle, we wouldn't have become stronger individuals both mentally and physically.