An Open Letter To The Girl Who Feels Like Giving Up
I know it's hard right now, but it will get better.
To the girl that feels like giving up,
I know how you feel right now, believe me. I've been where you are multiple times, more than I would like to admit. I've felt hopeless, confused, angry, sad, unmotivated, and any other possible feeling.
I've gotten to the point multiple times where I let everything pile up until I got to the edge. I felt like nothing was worth the pain anymore. I was so close to giving up, but I didn't.
Every time I got to that point, there were always reasons that would keep me fighting. I would think about all the good things in life that made me happy, that I would be leaving behind if I gave up.
If you're reading this, you're probably feeling the same feelings. You're probably close to giving up. Don't.
There's so much more to life. There is so much happiness yet to be had. There are so many things to live for. There are good days ahead. You just have to push through the rough patches.
I know it may feel like the only feelings that you feel are the negative ones, and there aren't any things that you enjoy anymore, but that's not the case. There are so many good things in life, like coffee, music, friends, and so many more things. If you give up, you don't get to see those anymore.
Think about your future: the things you want to do, the people you want to meet, your future husband and kids, the places you want to travel, your dream job and concerts you want to see. If you give up now, you won't be able to see your future. Aren't you curious to see how your life will turn out if you just hold on?