Weird-Ass Food Pairings (A.K.A. The Combinations We All Don’t Know We Love)
Some of you are going to hate me for convincing you to break your diets with this one…
It's common knowledge that some things just taste great together, like a food pairing made in heaven: peanut butter & jelly, grilled cheese & tomato soup, cinnamon & sugar, bacon & everything...With that being said, there are some things that people just don't know pair super well together. Here's the top 10 list of unconventional food pairings that will drive you up a wall.
Watermelon & Salt
Weird, I know, but hear me out. The sweetness and crunchiness of the watermelon is enhanced by that sprinkling of salt and makes it a wonderful summer snack. Don't believe me? Try it.
Tea & Cherries
Granted, this one sounds a bit more normal, but it's likely you haven't tried it yourself. Cherry jam, sour cherry syrup -- anything with any tea, just make it classic and slightly sweet and you'll be in heaven. Doubt me? Give it a go.
Coffee & Sweetened Condensed Milk
Also known as Vietnamese Coffee, it's the obvious combination that we didn't think of sooner -- it gives you a creaminess and sweetness all in a can you'd only purchase during Christmas Cookie season. Questioning it? Dip your toe in!
Kimchi & Cheddar Cheese
"Whaaaaaaaat?" Yes. Absolutely yes. Crunchy, sour, and spicy paired with salt & creamy; literally (almost) the entire spectrum of food-tastes is represented. If you're looking for a late night snack, crack open that jar and slice off a chunk of the good shit. Don't trust me? Give it a whirl.
Sriracha & Peanut Butter
Spicy peanut butter features in many asian noodle dishes, but putting a swipe of peanut butter on a wrap and drizzling a healthy serving of hot sauce over the top? Questionable, to say the least, but definitely worth a go. Suspect of sriracha? Just a nibble, then!
Dark Chocolate & Cheese
Sweet & salty...need I say more? Wavering? Waver your way over to the fridge & cabinet.
Mango or Pineapple & Chili Powder
They always put pineapple in Sweet & Sour Pork; give it a bit of spice, and is it all that different? The spiciness brings out the complexity of their flavors in the best of ways. Fearing the unknown? Taste it before dissing it.
Olive Oil & Ice Cream
Taste of Italy, here we come. Just give your vanilla ice cream a small drizzle and it'll change dessert forever. Uncertain? Drizzle-drizzle, mofo.
Fish Fingers & Custard
Every Whovian just hit the roof with excitement, but yes, it's actually great. Hesitating? Freaking do it. You won't. No balls.
Butter & Sugar Sandwiches
Seems a bit obvious while also diabetes-inducing, but it's the best homage the Breakfast Club we got. Puzzled? First, watch the movie. Then, try it.