Sticking to Staple Diets in 2019 | The Odyssey Online
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Instead Of Fad Dieting, Try Going Back To The Basics

Never underestimate going back to the basics.

Instead Of Fad Dieting, Try Going Back To The Basics
Gina Brennan

As 2019 is officially in full swing, the annual New Year's resolutions that most of us have likely already abandoned did, in fact, have an initial purpose. This time of year tends to leave us strangely optimistic, enforcing the goals of feeling refreshed and looking our best. Therefore, it is no surprise that along with a new year comes new dieting trends. Though many of these trends bask in their share of the limelight for relatively brief periods of time, there will always be the staples, in which cases many refer back to. The recent popularity of specific 2018 diets, particularly the Keto and Whole30 diets, have challenged us to question many of our own dietary preferences, along with what foods are truly best for our bodies in maintaining our healthiest lifestyles.

For those who are just as confused by all of these dietary restrictions as I am, the breakdown of the Whole30 diet is relatively simple. Participants are encouraged to eat "whole" foods, specifically vegetables while cutting out ever-so-delicious grains, dairy, and sugar. In contrast, the ketogenic, or Keto diet, requires participants to replace carbohydrates with fat, which ultimately forces the body into a state of ketosis. Although ketosis has been proven to burn fat quickly, the Keto diet has ranked incredibly low amongst a list of other popular dieting trends in 2018, as well as the Whole30 diet. This is mainly due to the fact that it encourages rapid weight loss rather than sustainable maintenance. In essence, once you complete these diets, there is no proven evidence that you will be able to keep off the weight that was lost in the process.

After researching the trendiest diets within the past year, I decided to dive into the present and see what trends people were aiming to follow today. I spoke with twenty-year-old Kailee Buttice and, to my surprise, she was rather encouraging one of the previously mentioned staple diets.

"Personally, I'm a pescatarian because, ethically and environmentally, I'm not a fan of eating meat," said Buttice. The pescatarian diet, which is primarily fish-based, has been on the rise of popularity along with vegetarianism and veganism. This diet is inclusive of proven health benefits, as well as environmental ones. Buttice further went on to explain that "[fish] don't cause the same environmental damage or have the same level of awareness as mammals."

Though we cannot be sure what new dietary trends 2019 will bring us, it is safe to say that we can always go back to the basics. In honor of preserving physical health and wellness, it is reassuring to know that the pescatarian diet will never abandon us.

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