3. No quick access to that essential morning coffee | The Odyssey Online
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5 Struggles Every College Students Deals With In The Summer

For most of us, college is officially over and we have moved back home and now it will take us a while to get used to the differences.

5 Struggles Every College Students Deals With In The Summer
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It's with a heavy heart but a grateful soul that the school year is officially over and we have all moved back home. While we have to do it again in three months, for most of us it will take a little bit to get used to being home for these reasons.

5. Having to leave your room to go to the bathroom


For some of us, we were fortunate to have our bathrooms in our dorm rooms, whereas others had the grueling community bathroom. Those who had their own private bathrooms understand the struggles of coming home and having to leave your bedroom in order to go to the bathroom. It is even worse when it is in the wee hours of the morning and you wake up to the extreme feeling of having to go and have to be quiet to not wake up your entire house.

4. Having to leave your room for anything


Whether it be to grab some food or a drink, most of us have to leave our room to get these things and unfortunately, the have the possible chance of running into your family members and having to socialize.

3. No quick access to that essential morning coffee


Not everyone lives in a city or town where they can walk a block and get coffee from Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts. For some, we have to settle with the decent cup of coffee that you have to make yourself and nobody has time for that.

2. Not being able to use your meal swipes and extra money


Most colleges have meal swipes and what our school calls "Flex". It can be used on items that are not valid through the meal swipe such as Starbucks. When we come home, if we don't want any food that we have at home, we can't simply just find a different place and use a meal swipe, we actually have to pay for it and can no longer use that extra money to get that Venti Pink Drink at Starbucks.

1. Being away from your best friends


The worst part about being away for the summer is not being able to walk next door or across the hall to see your friends. Usually, you end up befriending people who all live in completely opposite directions and everyone works. Unless you have siblings, it can be a struggle getting used to being in a room without your roommate next to you and not. You no longer can roll over at 3 am and show your friends a funny meme you founds nor can you meet up for that midnight food run.

Even if you couldn't wait to go home, I think most of us can agree on that returning home for the summer for three months to adjust only to turn around and move back in, it can get annoying trying to adjusting between home and college life.

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