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10 Relatable Struggles That People With Glasses Will Definitely Understand

I constantly feel the need to take off my glasses because it's a struggle just having them on.

Pexels / Bùi Nam Phong

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Have you had someone take your glasses off your head without permission and you wonder why they didn't ask first? Or have you ever broke them and had to face the consequences of not being able to see (okay, maybe this one is just me).

There are times where I love my glasses because I'm thankful that it helps my vision, but like most things, glasses definitely have its disadvantages.

I cant find my glasses without my glasses.


You don't have to wear glasses to understand that when/if we lose our glasses, we have to bend down and squint everywhere to find them. Coming from a fairly irresponsible person, I have lost my glasses more times than I can count, and I normally need all the help I can get to find them.

You can't drink something hot without not being able to see anything.


I remember I was at a restaurant a year ago, and I had to put my glasses on to see the menu because it was on a big screen. And when I sat down to drink my hot chocolate, my glasses fogged up, and I, for some reason, didn't notice. So I ended up tripping over the table when I stood up to leave. I don't think that this is necessarily a "struggle", but it's just plain violent.

They are SO uncomfortable!

Man Arranging His Black Necktie · Free Stock Photo


I have a very low tolerance for pain, so keeping my glasses on for a long period of time hurts the bridge of my nose, which then causes me to take them off. If I take them off, I know I will have to put them back on at some point, so I just leave them on and bear the "pain". It's a complicated process that I make myself endure everyday.

The rain wont stop, even if you take your glasses off.


Normally, I won't put glasses on in the rain because I know what will happen if I do, but I can't control when the weather decides to change. So sometimes I can walk outside with perfectly clear skies, and if it suddenly starts raining, I need to either put them away or constantly clean them. They are both equally bad.

Try watching a 3D movie with glasses.

Silhouette of Man in Front of Tv · Free Stock Photo


I think this is the worst scenario so far because not only do I look and feel ridiculous with six eyes, but one of them always has to slip off, making me focus more on my glasses than the movie. You can probably assume that I can't enjoy 3D movies often.

Wearing something that makes cleaning your glasses harder.


Winter can get really cold every now and then, so I have to make sure I wear the right clothing. If I wear wool, my glasses will get smudged when I clean them, thus making them more dirty, which is opposite from what I am actually trying to do.

Longing for contacts

Photo of Person Covered With Brown Textile · Free Stock Photo


Have you tried complaining to you friend about how annoying having glasses is and they just say "well why don't you just get contacts?" and you know that you can't just "get" contacts whenever you want so instead you just long for them? I long for contacts even if I know that they may have disadvantages too because a day in the life of wearing glasses can be unbearable at times.

Resting in bed is a big NO.

White and Brown Dachshund With Black Framed Eyeglasses · Free Stock Photo


If I have a free day and just feel like lying down in bed to watch a movie on my laptop, my glasses get squished together, and I have to constantly worry about breaking them (which I have definitely done before). Sometimes people just tell me to lay on my back and turn my head to watch the movie, but everyone with glasses will know that that's not how it works.

Constantly complaining about glasses to your friends who don’t wear glasses

Man Wearing Suit Jacket Sitting on Chair in Front of Woman Wearing Eyeglasses · Free Stock Photo


"Just get contacts" is a saying a lot of my friends have always said when I complain about my glasses. Firstly, contacts can't just magically appear in my hands when I want them to, and secondly, I'm sure contacts have their disadvantages, too. I can't explain to them that they don't understand because they don't go through all the struggles since they have great vision. And to really understand, I would recommend actually wearing glasses.

You find the need to take them off whenever you can, and it turns into a hassle.

Photo of Man Holding Eyglasses · Free Stock Photo


I am not one to wear my glasses 24/7, just when I really find the need to. I don't like how I look in glasses. They give me a headache very often and get painful at times, but at the end of the day, I'm thankful that I can see with them, even if that means going through a series of hassles every day.

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