1. "Lose Your Soul" by Dead Man's Bones | The Odyssey Online
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15 Spooky Songs To Keep That Black Flame Candle LIT

Some tunes for all your Spooky season and Halloweekend needs.

15 Spooky Songs To Keep That Black Flame Candle LIT

There are so many Halloween songs that GO OFF! Here are a few personal favorites and iconic tunes.

1. "Lose Your Soul" by Dead Man's Bones

You might not know this, but heartthrob Ryan Gosling was in a band that only released one album. The self-titled album included strictly Halloween bangers, including this one. Lose your Soul exudes some good vibes for your Halloween gathering... Anything with Ryan Gosling involved exudes good vibes!

2. "Teenage Witch" by Suzy Wu

This song bangs year round, but it's especially fun during these days leading up to Halloween. The lyrics are reminiscent of a spell you'd cast on an ex-boyfriend or a toxic friend. Thank you for this witchy masterpiece, Suzy Wu!

3. "Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

If you go to a party this Halloweekend and they don't play this song.... leave..... just LEAVE.

4. "Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)" by David Bowie

Not only is this a great Halloween song, but David Bowie is a great Halloween costume idea. Come through Ziggy Stardust!

5. "Burn The Witch" by Queens of the Stone Age 

Basically if "The Crucible" was a song.

6. "Redbone" by Childish Gambino

I mean... technically not a "Halloween Song" but, it's my list and I say that Redbone belongs on this list. When Donald Glover sang "They gon' find you, gonna catch you creepin'"? I felt that. This song just feels like one of those posts your friends would send you that you had to repost or else a little dead girl would appear on the foot of your bed.

7. "Mirage" by Alexandra Savior

I am convinced Alexandra Savior is a WITCH. I mean witch in the most endearing way. She's like if Lana Del Rey drank a spooky potion or something like that.

8. "Gold Dust Woman" by Fleetwood Mac

Isn't this the song that plays in the woods as witches dance around a fire?

9. "Night Song" by The Lemon Twigs

The brother duo, The Lemon Twigs created a masterpiece. Now it is our duty to spread this song around like the frickin' plague!

10. "I'm a Hex Girl" by The Hex Girls

Can we all agree that the Hex Girls are the best fictional female witch band ever?

11. "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals

Just an important halloween staple. That is all.

12. "Yes, I'm a Witch" by Yoko Ono

If Yoko Ono's a witch, then I'm a witch.

13. "Psycho Killer" by The Talking Heads

"Psycho Killer" is a perfect song. That is all. Thank you David Byrne, love you.

14. "Get Some" by Ghosted ft. Kamille

This song has nothing to do with Halloween and isn't scary sounding at all, but bear with me and just watch the music video. You will completely understand.

15. "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

Well.... DUH!

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