2. "Feel Again" by One Republic | The Odyssey Online
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5 Secular Songs That Could Easily Be Worship Songs

Who said a mainstream song can't be about Jesus?

5 Secular Songs That Could Easily Be Worship Songs

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Pop songs, country songs, alternative songs, indie songs, or whatever genre you can think of all have songs that could easily have a double meaning. Just because music is not labeled in the Christian category doesn't mean it can't reference spiritual awakening or a call to Jesus in a time of struggle.

Here are six songs that you could easily fit into a night of worship.

1. "Wake Me Up" by Avicii

The first few lyrics say it all for this song.

"Guided by a beating heart, I can't tell where the journey will end, But I know where to start."

Although the song's intended meaning revolved around life being a journey and how it's okay to be a dreamer, these lyrics can also reflect how someone can't do this 'journey' alone.

2. "Feel Again" by One Republic

Right off the bat, OneRepublic lays down that with a certain someone, they feel a revival inside them. Sounds a little familiar, huh?

"I've been everywhere and back trying to replace, everything that I've had till my feet went numb, praying like a fool that's been on the run."

Even though this song's intended meaning is about a good relationship after several bad ones, you can also imply that after time and time again of filling your heart with things besides God, the relief of finally letting Him in is revolutionary.

3. "In The Name Of Love" by Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha

"If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn, Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first?"

As Christians, we've been reminded time and time again that Jesus has already won the battle for us and our sins have already been paid for. We can see the same theme in this hit song.

This song also has a cover done by Kari Jobe, a Christian singer, who sang an acoustic version for Spotify Studios.

4. "I Walk The Line" by Johnny Cash

Although this classic was written about his wife, June Carter, Cash's lyrics can also mirror someone's faith keeping them aline. He sings about the love he has for his wife who keeps him steady, much like we sing about a savior who can tame our hearts.

5. "Fix You" by Coldplay

"Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you."

Coldplay hit us with another heart-wrenching anthem and reminded us that we all want some sort of fixing.

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