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10 Self-Love things to do this summer to build a better you

Self-love is the best kind of love.

10 Self-Love things to do this summer to build a better you

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With school being out for summer break, we have more time on our hands to have fun and let loose for a couple months. This summer, without classes or papers or exams to worry about, it's time to start focusing on ourselves, both physically and mentally.

Here are 10 things to focus on this summer, to make you a better version of yourself:

1. Get enough sleep each night


Summer nights are when memories are made, but that doesn't mean you have to lose out on some well-deserved sleep.

To function at their very best, a person needs an average of 7-9 hours per night, which honestly isn't even a huge chunk of these longer summer days. The perks of good sleep is weight loss, memory gain, and an all around healthy body.

Just because it's summer, don't skip out on sleep.

2. Make time to go to the gym


You had a plethora of excuses during the school year to not work out, but without all of the studying and the homework, you'd be hard pressed to find a good reason to skip out on that sweat session.

Use the next few months to reach new goals and build a better you - literally. All you need is 30 minutes, and you can knock that out before brunch!

3. Spend time with your loved ones


Everyone wants to feel wanted, so making time this summer to visit with your loved ones is key.

Go see your Grandma that lives 40 minutes away, you have the time! Go to the beach with your nephew and make sandcastles with him. Summer is about more than just partying - it presents ample opportunity to spend time with those closest to you.

4. With that being said, avoid negativity


Let's face it: family time does not always mean a good time.

This summer, take a break from the negativity and focus on more positive, uplifting people. It doesn't mean that you necessarily have to give those people up, rather, let them figure out their drama on their own.

This summer is about you, so don't let their issues bring you down.

5. Be one with nature


Someone once told that nature was the cheapest form of therapy, and they were right.

Whether you take a hike or head out camping for the weekend, nature provides an organic stress reliever that will lead you down the path toward self-reflection. Even planting some colorful flowers in your garden at home will bring you some newfound happiness and a sense of accomplishment.

6. Take on new tasks, and challenge yourself with new hobbies


Look at your bucket list and find a few things to check off.

Learn how to play an instrument, take some dance classes - heck, even learn how to knit a blanket for your dog. Summer is for relaxing, but consistently challenging yourself will keep your head in the right place for when classes start back up in the fall!

7. If you're not traveling, contribute to your local communities


Not everyone can afford to take trips to Cabo or Disneyland, but everyone can afford to support their local community!

Summer is the best time to go to local farmers markets, shop at local boutiques and shops around town, or even donate old clothes to local charities! Give back this summer, and make a difference in your community!

8. Laugh...a lot


The academic year can be stressful, and sometimes you don't make enough time to let loose and have some fun!

Laughing is the best medicine for, well, anything really. Go see a funny movie, visit a comedy club, or even just hangout with your closest friends. Smiling and laughing is contagious, and everyone really needs a good dose of it once in a while!

9. Choose to be selfless


I know summer is prime time for making those Jefferson's, but find a few moments this summer to be selfless.

During the summer, local charities are always in need of volunteers. Look online to find local food banks, churches, hospitals, or better yet, animal shelters! Not only will it make you feel like a better person, but also looks great on a resume.

10. Find peace and forgiveness


During your summer of self-love and reflection, learn to let go of past grudges and forgive.

The soul needs to have a clean slate, and what better way to learn to keep the past in the past than practicing forgiveness this summer. Life is too short to judge or shun people, even if they did you dirty. Learn to let go, and move past the hurt and guilt.

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