7. Wait...only private planes crash, right? | The Odyssey Online
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8 Thoughts You've Experienced If You Are Severely Scared Of Airplanes

PLEASE tell me I'll make it out alive.

8 Thoughts You've Experienced If You Are Severely Scared Of Airplanes

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If you are anything like me, you LOVE traveling but HATE planes. I only wish there was some sort of way in which you could just snap your fingers and get to where you needed to be. Unfortunately, however, there is only one way to travel long distances quickly - and that is by flying. So here are some of the ruthless thoughts that go through my mind every time I step foot onto an airplane.

1. When the 'fasten your seatbelt' sign comes on mid-flight and you KNOW something bad is awaiting


It's the middle of the flight, you got off the ground safely, and they hit you with the 'fasten your seatbelt' nightmare. You were finally starting to feel safe, but now this happens and you feel like death is near but not to worry, the minute it comes off all peace is restored.

2. Turbulence - the silent killer.


There is NOTHING worse than a turbulent flight when you already have anxiety about being in the air in the first place. You feel a slight drop and every inch of your body fills with utter fear. Will I make it through?

3. How the heck are the flight attendants so calm?


Seatbelt sign is on, turbulence is in full swing, and flight attendants seem to be living their very best lives. HOW? I need them to teach me their ways.

4. Is that bad weather or a demon...


Maybe I'm just also scared of lightning or maybe I've seen Twilight Zone The Movie too many times, but every time something moderately unordinary happens outside my window on a plane I majorly freak out. What if there actually is a demon on the window? Or what if lightning strikes the plane?

5. Dear Baby, Stop. Crying. Now. Please.


The one thing I can do to keep myself together on a plane is try my best to relax, and maybe even sleep. But that is seriously impossible when the baby two rows ahead of me cannot stop crying. I get it, it is hard traveling with a baby. And I do feel bad for the parents. But PLEASE make it stop.

6. The bathroom scaries


It has taken enough courage in me to manage to get up out of my seat to use the restroom. I can deal with the mild turbulence while I'm in the bathroom, the horrid smell, and even the thought that the waste stays on the plane the whole darn time. But what I cannot deal with is the moment of extreme fear that (a) you forgot to lock the door and someone will walk in while you're on the toilet and (b) you did lock the door but won't be able to unlock it and will be stuck in the bathroom for the remainder of the flight. Either way - not ideal.

7. Wait...only private planes crash, right?


In those moments of turbulence, bad weather, or whatever else may be haunting you during your flight, you try to think of things that will ~ease~ your mind. So, you think back on news stories where there have been plane incidents. And usually they are either private planes or funky airlines, so I'm fine, right?

8. *Deep breathing* & "Everything will be okay"


Through all the anxiety, you have to find a way to calm down and convince yourself that you will make it out alive. So, you inhale and exhale deeply and pray that you're just paranoid (which in most cases, you usually are).

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