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10 Quotes That Have Helped Me Through Life As A 21st Century Woman

Sometimes, we need little reminders of our worth and how to handle our daily and hectic lives. Here is 10 quotes and sayings that have helped me along the way.

10 Quotes That Have Helped Me Through Life As A 21st Century Woman
Taylor Fabian

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Living in the 21st century could not be any more difficult than it was generations ago. We have society telling us what is considered beautiful and telling us what to do to achieve such. We have magazines telling us what is in- usually something expensive and unnecessary in our lives. Then we have standards that our friends and family insist that we must achieve. We have grades to earn, sleep to keep us sane, and a social life we strive to maintain all well trying to live up to academic, family, and social expectations, as well as keeping up with what is in and what is "so last season."

1. “No one is you and that is your superpower” - Unknown

Out of 7 billion people on this planet, there is no one else like you in the world and that is something special. It will allow you to do amazing things and accomplish countless goals — you just need to get through a couple of rough patches to see that. You just need constant love for yourself.

2. "Sometimes we outgrow people who are not growing" - Unknown

As we grow up and morph into the person we are meant to become, we become distant from those we use to know so well. I am here to tell you that is okay. Sometimes doors close and new ones open. No matter how hard doors may be to close, sometimes they need too. Those who we grow distant from are because they hold us back from growing.

3. "Focus on the Good" - Unknown

In this world, we have all faced troubles from what society tells us. By doing so, it is easy to focus on the negativity instead of canceling it out. To be happy in your life you must fight against the odds and the standards life throws your way. In order to do so, you cancel the negativity and focus on the good.

4. "Decisions determine destiny" - Unknown

Decisions impact our life tremendously but the kind of decision varies on importance. Studying instead of going out the night before an exam is the kind of decision that can determine your destiny and what future you want to have. However, "if you want a burger, eat a burger, if you want a milkshake, drink a milkshake" — choosing to eat a burger instead of a salad is not a major or impactful in choosing your destiny, so weigh your decisions carefully.

5. "Work hard and make it happen" - Unknown

If you have a dream and a goal, accomplish it. Give it all you got and try your hardest. It matters.

6.  "You are loved beyond measure" - Unknown

Even when you feel like you are not loved or that the world's cards are stacked against you. You are still loved without a doubt. Someone out there loves you unconditionally.

7. "It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring" - Marilyn Monroe

I have never met a person in my life that does not ABSOLUTELY love Marilyn Monroe — AND also, who does not love a spontaneous person?! Please tell me.

8. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life, "it goes on'" -Robert Frost

So what? So what you didn't do as good or well on a midterm or exam as much as you wanted to. But, life goes on. One test score does not define who you are. So what that you grew apart from some friends of yours, life goes on, and new friendships and loving relationships will form.

9. "I am not a one in a million girl. I am a once in a lifetime kind of woman" - Audrey Hepburn

As a woman in today's world and society, we, need to have self-respect for ourselves and set boundaries. Know your worth because being a woman is pretty amazing as it is — and it's a person's loss if they lose a special someone.

10. "A simple I love you means more than money" - Frank Sinatra

Finding those who care and love for you and make you the best and happiest version of yourself, those are the people who will make your life more wonderful and lovely every single day compared money. Money cannot buy happiness and it certainly cannot buy "true" love. It is as simple as that.

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