It's time to face reality: college is over. Maymester, or playmester, has ended. It is time for most of us to go home, work 24/7 and hopefully make enough money to come back and spend it all on alcohol and food. Some people have already been working for almost a month (props to you), but for the privileged Maymester people life is about to hit us real hard. Don't believe me? Here are a few reasons why:
1. We have to set alarms for work.
I mean, yeah, we had alarms set for class, but we hit the snooze button. Playmester had options, too. If we truly did not want to take a 9 a.m. class there was a good chance we could find a class to take at 11:40 a.m.
2. The day is no longer at our fingertips.
Ugh, do we even have to talk about this? After getting out of class, we had the freedom to do whatever we wanted. Now we have responsibilities. Don't you just hate those? Mimosas by the pool, or work for eight hours? I don't know, it's such a tough decision said no one ever.
3. There are no more scheduled nap times.
Such a cruel, cruel world. No more nap time? It's not right. Instead of nap time, most of us will be receiving an hour lunch break (if we're lucky). It just reminds us of how much we want to be back at school doing hoodrat things with our hoodrat friends -- like taking naps.
4. We have to start truly using our brains.
I am not saying we didn't put it to good use during class, but after those three hours, the most work our brains did were deciding on what we were going to eat and when we were going to start drinking. Like I said, playmester was extremely rough. Now, we have to send e-mails, answer phone calls, deal with numbers, problems, run errands-- the works.
5. This is our life for another two months:
Did a little part of you just die?
No, this does not mean that we aren't excited to see our family and friends back home-- it just means that we would not be upset if playmester never had to end. It truly was one hell of a ride. Thanks for the memories, Maymester 2015: Gone, but never forgotten.