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The 10 Gems Everyone In Idaho Needs to Visit

Forget the Idaho Botanical Gardens! Let's go somewhere new.

Shoshone Falls

Besides focusing on the potatoes, our 19th-century attire, the buffaloes that wander around downtown Boise, and lack of Wal-Marts my grandmother was so worried about when my family first moved out here, what can someone possibly do to entertain themselves besides shucking corn after the harvest in Idaho?

Despite being as technologically modern as the next state, Idaho is often overlooked—or thought to still be living in the gun-slinging west. While that's definitely not true, we are admittedly small; we may be the eleventh largest state by landmass, but we're the sixth smallest by population density! What does this mean? Well, we have a lot of space for a lot of great stuff.

1. Table Rock

Table Rock is one of those weird attractions that every state has—you either know it or you don't. Perfect for hiking, biking, or spending time with friends, it may be best known by the general public for the cliff that overlooks Boise.

2. Craters Of The Moon National Park

Located in Arco, Idaho, Craters of the Moon is preparing NASA astronauts for their space walks on Mars. The Shoshone Native Americans crossed the lava fields of Craters of the Moon every year, so this is a perfect spot for both science- and history-lovers alike!

3. The Snake River

Winding its way through southern Idaho, the Snake River Is a favorite for floating, kayaking, and fishing.

4. Hell's Canyon

Hell's Canyon is North America's deepest river gorge split between Oregon and Clark Valley, Idaho. Hikers, bikers, and horseback riders would all enjoy the experience Hell's Canyon has to offer.

5. The Old Idaho Penitentiary

The Old Idaho Penitentiary was home to some of the worst criminals in the western United States for over 100 years. It's said to be haunted and was even investigated on Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures! If you need a good scare, this is the place for you.

6. The Sawtooth Mountains

Perfect for those seeking a true camping experience, the Sawtooth Mountains offer over 700 miles of trails and most any recreational activity one can imagine! Do be careful though; animals such as mountain lions, grey wolves, lynx, and bears do roam these areas.

7. Salmon River

Unlike the calmer Snake River, the Salmon River has been dubbed "The River of No Return" for its intense rapids. Any experienced white water rafters would most definitely love what the Salmon River has to offer.

8. The Goldbug Hot Springs

While difficult to access, the Goldbug Hot Springs is a favorite location for any who can put up with the treacherous hike. Rarely crowded and always calming, anyone adventurous enough to hike (and climb) those two miles will not regret it.

9. Yellowstone National Park

Best known for its Grand Prismatic Spring and geysers, a small section of Yellowstone spills over into Idaho. This is also known as the infamous "Zone of Death," but we'd rather you enjoy the buffalo rather than test that Zone of Death theory out.

10. The Idaho Potato Museum

Come on, it's Idaho. Everyone needs to visit Blackfoot's Idaho Potato Museum at least once.

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