To the People Who Think Feminism Must Die
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To The People Who Think Feminism Must Die

Girls and women do not need to die and neither does feminism.

To The People Who Think Feminism Must Die

On this website and all across the internet I have seen many posts on how feminism must end because we no longer need it. These posts and articles come from men and women of all ages, and I think people need a different view. We need feminism just as badly today as we did before the 1920s.

The goal is not to make women who want to stay at home and take care of their families feel bad, but to support every single woman and every single choice they make.

In our world today, women are still treated as lesser than man, and I think feminism needs to continue until all women feel like the women who don't believe we need it anymore.

Women pay more for the same thing

I was recently at Target with my boyfriend and we were both shopping for new clothing. We got to the self-checkout and my total came to $55 for a shirt and a pair of shorts. When my boyfriend checked out, his total for two pairs of shorts, three shirts came to a whopping $33. Why am I paying more for the same brand and same quality, but even smaller than a man?

The pay gap

According to, a woman makes 80 cents to every dollar a man makes, and for black and Hispanic women it's even worse.

Women are the minority in just about every occupation 

From capitol hill to news media women are much less represented than men.

Representation of women 

Have you ever seen or played Grand Theft Auto, Fornite, League of Legends, etc? Women are dressed in skimpy clothing with large breasts and high heels and are programmed to tip-toe around. In every video game, men are portrayed as muscular, strong men, fully clothed and ready for battle. There is no reason a female character is portrayed as anything else.

Violence against women 

Last week, a 21-year-old male forced five women to lay down on the floor at a bank and then shot them execution style. Nearly three women are killed every day by a man in the United States alone.

Domestic violence

Every minute about twenty women are abused by an intimate partner in the United States. 19% of these incidents involve a weapon.

Sexual harassment 

Walking down the street in Washington, DC alone even in broad daylight scares me because there are constantly men hanging around on stoops catcalling and making comments. I shouldn't have to be afraid to be a woman in public.

The government is trying to control our boides

Men without ovaries sit on Capitol Hill making decisions about a woman's body and try to limit our choices when it has absolutely nothing to do with them other than they want to control women.

Sexual assault is not being take seriously 

We beg and plead for people to believe our story and often time it is brushed to the side as if it's not important. 1 in 5 girls is sexually abused while 1 in 6 women are victims of attempted or completed rape her lifetime.

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