Democrats' Centrist Talking Points Will Hand Trump A 2020 Win
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The 2020 Dems Need To Say Goodbye To Republican Talking Points Or Say Hello To 4 More Years Of Trump

The American people want radical change, not the "pragmatic" solutions that enabled Trump in the first place.


As I'm writing this, the first part of the second series of the 2020 Democratic debates just wrapped up. It's a sleepy Tuesday night, ideal for a good ol' fashioned prizefight for Democratic voters' support.

As I've previously written, I've endorsed Bernie Sanders for the Democratic primary this election cycle. So you can probably imagine that — in spite of the wholesomeness of Marianne Williamson and the frequent clapbacks by Elizabeth Warren — I was a bit riled up that once again, Bernie was bombarded with centrist and right-wing talking points meant to frame him as a discredited candidate.

At least 28 million Americans do not have health insurance. Meanwhile, the 15 biggest big pharma corporations reach $560 billion in revenue last year. It's a total shame that the United States of America is the wealthiest nation on earth yet it does not guarantee the state of being healthy as a human right.

Moreover, we have a president who has emboldened white supremacists over the course of his presidency, not to mention being openly racist toward four congresswomen of color on Twitter. And if white supremacists won't kill us, then that's not a problem: we have a little bit over a decade to reverse the impending disaster that climate change will wreak upon the earth.

It doesn't stop there: we are also witnessing some of the largest humanitarian crises continue to go unabashed, whether it be incarcerated women and children living in filth at the southern border or having our tax dollars help aid in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Israel.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the issues not only facing our nation but the entire world. Elizabeth Warren (whom I highly respect) said it best: "I genuinely do not understand why anyone would go to all the trouble of running for president just to get up on this stage and talk about what's not possible."

Tonight's debate showed why the Democrats need to embrace radical change. Instead of bashing Bernie and Elizabeth on fighting for healthcare for the millions of uninsured Americans, John Delaney can tell the American people that he is tied to big pharma. Instead of worrying what the Republicans will think of Democrats embracing progressive policies, Pete Buttigieg can offer perhaps a better approach to issues like Medicare for All and student debt cancellation. Instead of asking the candidates if age matters in deciding a presidential candidate, CNN could maybe ask the candidates if they would considering defunding and effectively abolishing ICE.

Donald Trump won because he manipulated the American electorate into thinking that he was the antidote to the gross world of boring politics. Voters in swing states like Michigan and Florida do not want the same old recycled policies like that of Amy Klobuchar and Jon Hickenlooper, but they want a Democrat — a party historically for workers' rights and unions — that finally understands their struggles and the roots of their problems.

Bernie Sanders is that man, and perhaps Elizabeth Warren, too. And if we continue to ignore the change-hungry American electorate, then the Democrats might as well give Trump four more years.

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