Let's be real, just about everyone has seen at least one episode of "The Office." If you haven't, shame on you, it is actually really funny. I finally decided to hop on the bandwagon and watch it and I realized just how much laughter I was missing out on.
But anyways, Grand Forks is a college town and you can bet that you will run into what feels like everyone you know while you're downtown. The college kids are downtown Thursday through Saturday, and I guarantee that one of these 17 things can apply to your night downtown, if not all of them.
1. When you realize that it is $1.50 Long Islands at O’Reallys
Broke college students live for cheap alcohol.
2. How you feel being the only sober one at the bar
Being DD and actually going downtown with your friends is not fun when you are the only sober one.
3. When the cute guy across the bar buys you a drink
Girl, give him that cute smile and hopefully he will come talk to you. If not, at least you got a free drink.
4. When your favorite song comes on at Level 10
You can bet every girl in there is singing at the top of their lungs.
6. When you see a girl crying in the bathroom over some stupid boy
"Honey, it's okay, he wasn't worth your time anyways. You can do better."
7. Being the mom friend and making sure no one dies
You are the mother duck and you need to make sure all your little ducklings make it home and in one piece. You are superwoman.
9. When you are hungry but you only have enough money to buy alcohol downtown
Do not drink on an empty stomach. Do not do it.
10. When your friends are more intoxicated than you are
You start thinking, "Damn, I really need to catch up."
11. When someone vomits and you turn into the mom friend
There is just something about the smell of vomit that makes a person sober up.
12. Having to run to the next bar because the frozen tundra known as North Dakota doesn’t give a shit if you are cold
I bet you left your jacket at home because you figured the alcohol would keep you warm.
13. Making friends with random girls in the bathroom
You will leave the bathroom feeling like you have five new best friends.
14. Seeing the ambulance outside Joe Black’s and being glad it isn’t here for you
That was a close call. Hope that one survives.
15. When you get to Joe Black’s and it is way too crowded
Mmmmm, yeah, maybe it is time to go home now.
16. When you realize you get to go to Red Pep after a successful night downtown with your BFFs
It is the best drunk food.
17. Crawling into bed after the fun is done
Place that glass of water and advil next to your bed — you'll need it in the morning. And who knows, you might wake up and regret everything you said and did the night before.
Enjoy your night downtown, but please find a sober ride home.