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These 10 Songs Will Make You Want To Watch "Nashville"

If you've never heard of CMT's "Nashville", it just ended and is ready to be the perfect binge watch.


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Connie Britton, two adorable sisters, Jonathan Jackson and Hayden Panettiere are only a couple of the amazing actors/actresses to have starred on "Nashville". It was a dramatic musical television series that could have lasted a life time—or at least I wanted it to. I grew up listening to country music and "Nashville" reintroduced me to how country music should sound. These are my top ten from the series, and I believe they might just make you want to watch the whole series. You can find it streaming on Hulu.

1. "A Life That's Good"

Through-out the series of "Nashville", there are probably at least five different renditions of this song (mostly sang by the same people). It's catchy, it's sweet, it's the perfect country music song. Plus, once you get involved into the story, you will see how well this song describes main character, Deacon Claybourne (Charles Esten) and his love for Connie Britton's character, Rayna James.

2. "Undermine"

Hands down, the best song from season one. Hayden Panettiere, of course, plays a young country music star (Juliette Barnes) who wants to out-beat the queen of country, Rayna James (Connie Britton). She's bitchy and proud. But, when she sets her mind to it her songs are beautiful and I belt them out in my car on the daily.

3. "When the Right One Comes Along"

Have you been madly in love and yet they seem so far away? Yeah, Gunnar Scott (Sam Palladio) hits you right in the feels. Maybe Scarlett and Gunnar will get back together one day, until then...

4. "Like New"

Charles Epsten has the sexiest voice alive, I will listen to any of his songs over and over again just to soothe me to sleep. The music is fun and the lyrics are touching—just what a great country song needs.

5. "Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet"

I don't know about you, but Hayden Panettiere is giving me real old school Miranda Lambert vibes in this song. Sing it loud and sing it proud, girl.

6. "Nothing In This World Will Ever Break My Heart Again"

Whether you lost the love of your life, a grandparent, a parent or whomever, this song hits you right in the feels. As the famous Rayna James (Connie Britton) once said, "the best songs come from broken hearts."

7. "Sanctuary"

So, spoiler alert, Rayna James dies. Her two daughters, Maddie and Daphne (Lennon and Maisy Stella), and the love of her life, Deacon Claybourne (Charles Esten) go on stage to sing this sweet sentiment to her. It's a beautiful song and this scene gets me ugly crying every time. Long live the queen of country.

8. "Without Warning"

She may be young, but Maisy Stella can sing her heart out. This song is a song about being lost and having the help of your angel guide you. Her angel is her mom and once you realize that, it all hits you and you'll be on the couch cuddling a tub of ice cream with mascara streaming down your face.

9. "Black Roses"

This song. This song is an anthem about emotional abuse and Clare Bowen delivers it beautifully. She even delivers it straight to the face of the person who hurt her.

10. "Memories Crash"

This scene almost made me ugly cry just as much as the "Sanctuary" scene did. Maisy Stella is adorable and so powerful in her singing. I don't care if she's only 14-years-old, she's all over my Spotify playlist.

Okay so maybe all of "Nashville's" great songs are an emotional train wreck waiting to happen, but they are still amazingly beautiful. All of these actors show how truly talented they are. This show makes you feel for them and love them. Rest in peace, "Nashville". I'll still binge watch at least once a year.

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