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10 Must-Have Skincare Products For Your Journey To Better Skin

Because there is nothing better than having glowing skin that makes you feel like you can conquer the world.

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When it comes to saving money, one of the first things people tend to neglect is getting good skincare products. Sometimes it's not even about the money you spend on a product, but rather developing a good skincare routine, to begin with, and becoming educated on the products that we all should be using for our skin to look its best.

Of course, every skin is different, but there are definitely those cult classic products that many people, including myself, swear by. These are the top 10 products that have transformed my skin for the better on my journey to better skin.

Benefit Cosmetics Total Moisture Facial Cream

If there is one skincare product that you ever invest in, it is a good quality moisturizer. Of course, I am not one to spend over $30-$40 on just any moisturizer. After doing much research and reading hundreds of reviews, I decided to try out Benefit Cosmetics Total Moisture facial cream. I can confidently say that even though it had many great reviews, it is still way underhyped.

My face has never been the same since using this facial cream. You don't have to use a lot, and your face will be super soft from now until the end of time. Having good, soft skin is the key to anti-aging and the key to having your makeup look it's absolute best.

Any Dermaplaning Tool

Besides having well-moisturized skin, another important key to having great skin in the long run is to make sure that your skin is consistently exfoliated. A lot of people will tell you to use a liquid exfoliant, but using a dermaplaner is also a great, if not better way to get the job done. It will absolutely transform your skin and help create a flawless makeup look and shouldn't cost more than five or six dollars.

One important thing to keep in mind is to use a good sunscreen (like this one) after dermaplaning, as your skin will be extra sensitive to sun exposure. Also, be gentle because you can easily irritate or cut your skin.

Master Lab Collagen Sheet Mask

For me, this collagen mask was a last-minute purchase at Ulta because I had a hard day and decided to treat myself, but assumed that I would never buy it again since four dollars is a bit pricy for a sheet mask. What I didn't know was that my skin would completely transform feel like silk for the next week after using it.

This is one of those things that you truly don't know what you are missing until you try it out for yourself. They also have brightening and hyaluronic acid options, so next time you are shopping at Ulta, spend the extra $4 and thank me later.

Mario Badescu Facial Spray

If you are involved in the beauty world at all, then you probably already know about this. The full-size bottle is only $12 and the mini is $9. It is a small investment to help your skin glow even more. Not only is it a great skin refresher, but you can also use it as a setting spray. If you can't afford a $30 setting spray, then this is an amazing alternative.

Aztec Secret - Indian Healing Clay

I thought that this was one of those "too good to be true" products, especially since you get literally a whole pound of product for only $10, but people have been actually raving about it, as well as myself. If you have dark spots, large pores, acne-prone skin, or any other skin problems, this product will save the day.

Any Hyaluronic Acid Product

Hyaluronic Acid is an important ingredient to implement into your skincare routine. It provides an extra component of moisture and gives you healthier-looking, plump skin overall. There are many types of hyaluronic acid products on the market, so they aren't too hard to find. I personally use Neutrogena Hydrating Serum and I absolutely love it.

Mario Badescu Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C isn't necessary to have in your skincare routine, but it is a good idea to anyways. Vitamin C has skin brightening properties and serious anti-aging properties. Most people tend to use it in the morning to protect their skin for the day. Mario Badescu Vitamin C Serum is known to be the holy grail of vitamin C serums.

Some people wonder why this is $40 while TJMaxx has Vitamin C serum for about $7. The reason for this is that Vitamin C is an especially fragile product that expires very easily. If you buy Vitamin C from TJMaxx or Marshalls, you're probably buying expired products without even knowing, hence the major price difference. If you can't afford to pay an arm and a leg for this vitamin C serum, just make sure to add plenty of it into your diet!

Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is a great natural toner. Many toners on the market can be very harsh on the skin, but witch hazel tones without irritating the skin. You can get normal witch hazel which is much cheaper, but people tend to gravitate towards Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel because it actually smells good as opposed to normal witch hazel. It also bears the benefits that come with using rosewater. Nonetheless, any kind of witch hazel that you use will benefit your skin in the long run.

Origins Ginzing Refreshing Eye Cream

Eye cream is one of those things that you can never start using too early; you eventually will thank yourself for later in the long run. For most people, Origins Ginzing Eye Cream is their holy grail product when it comes to eye cream.

Because it contains Vitamin C, it has ultra brightening and depuffing properties, which is super important for any eye cream. Also, the fact that it smells amazing doesn't hurt either.

Benefit Cosmetics It's Potent! Eye Cream

It's Potent eye cream is another eye cream that deserves an honorable mention. When Benefit Cosmetics says that this product is potent, they mean that a little goes a long way, and they aren't joking around when they say this. I paid $30 for this eye cream, and it ended up lasting me for an entire year.

You don't have to take my word for it, just check out the 700 plus reviews on, which is what convinced me to try this eye cream to begin with.

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