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5 Of The Best Musical Guest Performances On 'One Tree Hill'

As if you needed any more reasons to go re-watch OTH.

5 Of The Best Musical Guest Performances On 'One Tree Hill'
The CW

One of my all-time favorite shows is "One Tree Hill". So much so that I'm currently re-watching it for at least the 11th time. I'm not sure what it is about the series that makes me love it so dang much, but there's a lot to love. The romance, the characters (I love me some Brooke Davis!), the basketball, and did I mention the music?

Not only does "One Tree Hill" have a killer soundtrack that brings me right back to that awesome time in the early 2000s, but the show is also known for a star-studded list of musical guests!

As if you needed any more reason to want to go and re-watch OTH, here are 5 of my favorite musical guest performances:

Gavin DeGraw

Calling all Gavin DeGraw fans: Not only is "I Don't Want To Be" the theme song for the entire show, but Gavin DeGraw himself shows up in season one to perform the hit at open mic night at Karen's Cafe. This performance makes me so happy I can hardly stand it.

Cheap Trick

Okay, when THE Cheap Trick appeared in the high school reunion episode to perform some of their hits like "Surrender" and "I Want You To Want Me", my poor little die-hard-classic-rock-fan heart could barely handle it. Their performance was awesome, and the entire episode as a whole was incredible. I also absolutely loved the references to the classic 80's movies (hello Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Sixteen Candles!).

Fall Out Boy

Who doesn't love some "old" Fall Out Boy? The band actually appeared on the show a couple of times, and Pete Wentz was literally a guest star, showcasing some of his acting skills for a bit there. But when they performed their song "Dance Dance" at TRIC, I was in awe. I live for Fall Out Boy.

Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi really showed up on One Tree Hill to perform "Erase Me", and it's still everything I've ever wanted in my life and more. Not only did he perform the song, but he also gave somewhat of an inspirational speech, in his episode, and I'm still moved by it. I'd be lying if I said I don't still bump "Erase Me" on the daily, and I'd also be lying if I said OTH didn't make me love it more.

Tyler Hilton & Bethany Joy Lenz

Alright, so this is a bit different because Tyler Hilton and Bethany Joy Lenz actually performed as their characters (Chris and Haley), but still one of the best, I think. When they sang the song "When The Stars Go Blue" in the studio, I fell in love with both of their voices.

They both went on to show off their talent multiple times throughout the show with various performances, and none of them disappoint. Also, I know Chris Keller isn't necessarily the most beloved character on the show (he's a bit of a shit disturber), but you do have to give it to him that he is entertaining!

I don't care what anyone says, "One Tree Hill" will forever be one of the best shows ever. The fact that there's amazing music and musical guests just adds on to that. Now excuse me while I go and listen to my "OTH Soundtrack" playlist for the next 12 years.

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