7. "Edward Scissorhands" (1990) | The Odyssey Online
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7 Movies To Watch On A Lazy Autumn Afternoon

Snuggle up with a blanket and welcome the changing of the seasons.

7 Movies To Watch On A Lazy Autumn Afternoon

Autumn is home to sweater weather, pumpkin paraphernalia, and transitioning foliage. Lazy days feel obligatory, as the temptation to slouch on the couch with a warm blanket and a good movie. Sure, you can go pumpkin picking and go for a stroll outside to cherish the cooler temperature. But why go and endure the hassle of socializing when you can relax and soak up the cozy solitude of autumn?

Here are seven movies for when the urgent occasion arrives on your front doorstep. Maybe light a scented candle and drink some apple cider while you're at it.

1. "When Harry Met Sally" (1989) 


Two acquaintances become friends after years of bumping into each other. Throughout this charming romantic comedy, the two pals question if a man and a woman could really be platonic friends while developing a unique relationship in the process. The Nora Ephron and Rob Reiner classic illustrates the beauty of Manhattan with Upper East side architecture, quiet museums, and Central Park foliage.

2. "Steel Magnolias" (1989) 


This comedy-drama depicts the significant bond between a group of women in a small-town Southern community. The title suggests the delicate yet strong characteristics that are within each character, as they deal with the many struggles of marriage, death, unhealthy relationships, and illness. The cast of characters is derived from an all-star ensemble consisting of Sally Field, Dolly Parton, and Julia Roberts.

3. "The Wedding Singer" (1998) 


A brokenhearted wedding singer is enlisted by a waitress to help her plan her upcoming wedding. As relationships are put to the test, an electrifying atmosphere of nostalgia acts as a backdrop. Starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, this film is perfect for lovers of 80's fashion and music. The soundtrack includes Bruce Springsteen, The Police, David Bowie, Psychedelic Furs, and The Smiths.

4. "Pretty Woman" (1990) 


A no-nonsense businessman asks a hooker to accompany him for a week. In what has been heralded as the modern Cinderella story, both characters fall for each other after finding comfort in one another's vulnerable circumstance. Director Garry Marshall was also the mastermind behind "The Princess Diaries" and "Happy Days."

5. "The Cutting Edge" (1992) 


An injured hockey player and competitive figure skater team up for another chance at Olympic glory. The film is filled with intense training montages, bitter arguments, and jazzy skating programs. Being one of the first modern movies centered around figure skating, "The Cutting Edge" illustrates the unique perspective of being part of a pair-skating team.

6. "Almost Famous" (2000) 


An aspiring journalist joins a band on tour, documenting the roller-coaster lifestyle or rock musicians and their romantic entanglements with passionate groupies. Set in 1973, the coming-of-age film captures the chaotic essence of rock music and their fast-growing fan base.

7. "Edward Scissorhands" (1990)


An incomplete human invention is adopted by a sunny suburban family. As he begins his new life as the neighborhood tree-stylist, the community's hysteria starts to boil in the background. With a score composed by Danny Elfman, the whimsical film utilizes enchanting imagery with tragically beautiful sequencing.

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