12. "Africa" - Toto | The Odyssey Online
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15 Songs From The '80s With Intros That Are Hype AF

Two beats in and you're shaking your groove thing like it's 1985.

15 Songs From The '80s With Intros That Are Hype AF

Sometimes there are songs that, as soon as you hear the intro, you're up and out of your seat making a fool of yourself. Here are just a few because who can really name them all?

1. "Come On Eileen" - Dexy's Midnight Runners

You do not have to be Irish to get down to this song. As soon as the intro starts, you're up and dancing like a fool, thinking that you can do an Irish jig with the best of them (even though you cannot understand a thing they are saying). One day, my dad made a statement about the song that I have found to be true ever since: "If you know any guy in his 40s or 50s who is in a bad mood, just play this song and he'll cheer right up." Go ahead and try it, I dare ya.

2. "Don't Stop Believin' " - Journey

If you ever want EVERY SINGLE PERSON in a bar to stand up and start singing, play this song. You'll have your arms wrapped around your worst enemy and cheering on the one brave soul who started this in the first place.

3. "Take On Me" - a-ha

The music video may make you feel like you're on some kind of drug, but dang is this song catchy. You don't even know you start dancing at first, either. You just see that everything around you is bouncing up and down and BAM—you finally realize it. Also, there is always one brave soul who tries to hit the high notes (i.e. my boyfriend).

4. "Livin' On A Prayer" - Bon Jovi

I don't know what it is about this song. I'm honestly not a huge fan of it, but it always gets me hype before I know it. Plus, who doesn't like a classic '80s song?

5. "Eye Of The Tiger" - Survivor

I don't know if it's because of the "Rocky" movies or just the hypnotic intro, but this song will make you want to run a marathon you never even trained for. No matter the reason, this song is always bound to get anyone in earshot ready to go.

6. "Pour Some Sugar On Me" - Def Leppard

This song is bound to bring out your club dancing—moving and shaking in ways you never want to do anywhere other than in front of your bedroom mirror at 2:00 A.M. when everyone else is sleeping.

7. "Another One Bites The Dust" - Queen

The intro of this song alone is enough to make you match your steps to it. It's intoxicatingly good. You don't really need to know any of the lyrics other than "another one bites the dust" and you can still love the song and dance along to it.

8. "I Love Rock 'N Roll" - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts

If this song doesn't bring out your inner leather-wearing, crop top-rocking, bad girl self, nothing will. I'm pretty that sure this song had me saying that I loved rock 'n roll when I was still listening to "Kidz Bop" and had never heard anything "rock" at all.

9. "Sweet Dreams" - Eurythmics

I don't know if it's the techno feel of this song or if it's just the uniqueness that makes this song so intoxicating to listen to. It also helps that there was the video of bears dancing to this going around, and no matter how much you wanted to quit watching it, you couldn't.

10. "Beat It" - Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson. Need I say more? It does help, though, that it makes you want to stop the big bully from beating up the tiny little neighbor boy you have taken under your wing.

11. "The Final Countdown" - Europe

This song is bound to give you the boost of energy you would need in a race when you're starting to lose your will to continue. It's enough to give you the power to beat up the bully who has been picking on you all year. This song will make you want to conquer the world in the best way possible.

12. "Africa" - Toto

I don't exactly know the full meaning behind this song. I know a guy will do anything to wait for the lady of his dreams and he'll never stop. How Africa got involved, I'll never know, but dang this song is too catchy. And boy, does it make you want to just slowly slide back and forth while dancing.

13. "Down Under" - Men At Work

This song makes you want to travel to Australia and eat a vegemite sandwich, whatever the heck that is. This is also the kind of song that will make you seriously question the dance moves you're currently doing.

14. "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" - Poison

That sigh in the beginning! This is a song that will get you in your feels and make you cry even though you were happy ten seconds ago. It makes you miss the cute guy you saw at the beach for 0.2 seconds and make you think you missed out on finding your one true love.

15. "Careless Whisper" - George Michael

This song is bound to put anyone in the mood by just the intro. You don't even need the rest of the song. The first ten seconds of the song are more than enough to drive anyone crazy.

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