6. "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars | The Odyssey Online
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10 Songs I Definitely Wished My Middle School Crush Would Sing To Me That I Still Listen To Today

This was 100% inspired by the Jonas Brothers reunion.

10 Songs I Definitely Wished My Middle School Crush Would Sing To Me That I Still Listen To Today

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Middle school was most likely one of the most...interesting times of your life. You were trying to adopt your own sense of style, make new friends, and, of course, catch the attention of your crush. This crush most likely was all you thought about and how great it would be if you two got together. You probably imagined all the romantic things you could do together, and what's more romantic than someone singing to you? If I'm being perfectly honest, it's something I still wish would happen to me. And when I was in middle school, these were the songs I wanted my crush to sing to me. Although my middle school crush never got past talking to each other, I still listen to these songs because let's be real, they're certified BOPS.

1. "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction

There was literally nothing better than the thought of my crush thinking I was beautiful! I would have flipped if he thought I was the most beautiful girl in the room.

2. "Burning Up" by The Jonas Brothers

If my crush confessed that he had a burning passion for me (you know, like in middle school terms), I would have been so so happy. And I honestly would have started singing along with him because this song is just so fun.

3. "When You Look Me in the Eyes" by The Jonas Brothers

Another Jonas Brothers song! This one is my personal favorite .If my crush sang this song to me, I would cry. When I was in middle school, this was the most beautiful love song I had ever heard. This was my ideal song for my crush to sing to me.

4. "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz

This song is just so chill and sweet, I immediately feel like I'm on the beach when I hear it. And any guy who could play the ukulele was an immediate winner to me when I was in middle school.

5. "Better Together" by Jack Johnson

Yes, there is nothing quite like being together with your crush. I would have loved to dance with someone to this song while he sang to me.

6. "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars

Every middle school girl feels insecure about the way she looks. If a cute guy came up to me and told me I was beautiful the way I was, I guarantee you I'd fall for him in an instant.

7. "Hey Soul Sister" by Train

Seriously, was there anything more attractive than guys who could play the ukulele in middle school?

8. "Fix You" by Coldplay

Every middle school girl thinks she has this tortured soul that no one can understand except for her crush. So of course I wanted my crush to sing this song to me.

9. "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran

This song held the big hopes and dreams for a future. This song is colorful, bright, and so very happy. I would have loved it if my crush hoped for a future with me.

10. "Breaking Free" from High School Musical

Okay, so I envisioned this as more of a duet, but he would still be singing Troy's part to me! Troy and Gabriela were the ultimate relationship goals when I was in middle school, and I wanted nothing more to have a love story like theirs.

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