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15 Of The Most Over-The-Top Met Gala Looks From 2019 That Made You Think 'Now This Is Camp'

I'm here for ALL of the extravagance.

15 Of The Most Over-The-Top Met Gala Looks From 2019 That Made You Think 'Now This Is Camp'

This year's theme was "Camp" which means over-the-top, gaudy, extreme, and playful, so I'm giving you the most "camp" inspired looks for this year's Met.

Janelle Monae

Very Picasso, Very 'Camp.' I'm here for it.

Designer: Alexandra Mandelkorn

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas

Probably my new favorite couple--They put the A in CAMP! A+ for you guys!

Designer: Dior

Jennifer Lopez and A Rod

Dripping in diamonds, literally. I don't even want to know how much this ensemble is worth, but all I know is she is absolutely beautiful. Like seriously, does this woman ever age?

Designer: Donatella Versace

 Ryan Murphy

So much going on here, but he nailed it. I don't think anyone else could have pulled this off except for him. Let's talk about this though: A 100 lb pearl encrusted cape? Incredible.

Designer: Christian Siriano

Celine Dion

This whole look gave me life.

Designer: Oscar de la Renta


GET INTO THIS HAIR--wow, just wow.

Designer: Peter Dundas

Emily Ratajkowski

How can someone look this INCREDIBLE with barely anything on? and the House of Malakai feather headpiece? A staple.

Designer: Peter Dundas

Ezra Miller

This was his Met Gala debut and he most definitely turned some heads LMAO

Designer: Riccardo Tisci--Burberry


Honestly, Disney should just hire her to be their next princess at this point. She is FLAWLESS and never fails to amaze me.

Designer: Tommy Hilfiger

Katy Perry

We love a reference to 'Beauty and the Beast' and let's be honest, we LOVE her too. This was a lot, A WHOLE LOT, but we gotta give it to her, she made it chic!

Designer: Moschino--Jeremy Scott

Cardi B

Fun fact: Her dress took more than 2,000 hours to create, and all those hours were worth it because, wow. Can you say, "Camp"?

Designer: Tom Brown

Kylie and Kendall Jenner

They did the damn thing, and that's that, but are we even surprised at this point?

Designer: Donatella Versace

Jared Leto

Absolutely loved the gown and the decapitated head as a handbag? Genius.

Designer: Gucci

Billy Porter

He had the most fabulous entrance of all time HANDS DOWN, you could just say he is the Pharaoh of phashion.

Designer: The Blondes

Lady Gaga

Had to save the most over-the-top for last! Gaga's legendary 3 part outfit change on the steps of the Met will probably go down in history. She's extra asf and we love her for it.

Designer: Brandon Maxwell

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