Ah yes, movies. They portray ideal worlds and fantasies we can only dream of living in. Full of action, adventure, romance, skyrocketing emotions, and more, movies are the perfect escape from reality. But what if real life was like the movies? What would happen?
1. Everyone would end up with their soulmate.
You might not know who your true love is at this exact moment, but don't despair. You'll end up with Mr. or Mrs. Right eventually. Of course you'll have your ups and downs like every classic romantic comedy, but it'll be worth it in the end when your love is brighter than the stars or whatever cliche your film will follow.
2. All heard noises would lead to an unnecessary investigation.
What was that crash coming from upstairs? Clearly it wasn't the house settling. Maybe it's a robber, a murderer, or even a ghost. Either way, you'll have to slowly creep up the steps only to find... nothing. Stand in your hallway for a few more moments just to make sure you're not in serious danger. Also, don't bother turning on any lights; it's much more fun to investigate in the dark. And whatever you do, don't call the police. It's not like it's their job to catch thieves and killers or anything. OH! It was just your cat that knocked over a plant. You can go back downstairs now.
3. Major plot twists would occur every 20-30 minutes.
Imagine you just started a new job as a waiter at your favorite restaurant when all of a sudden the head chef dies. You're giving a chance to live out your childhood dream when BAM! you find out your long lost brother moved back in town. He needs a job so you put in a good word to get him hired as a bus boy. You come to learn that he's a cocaine addict after finding his stash in the kitchen. So that's what all the hype over that sprinkled Parmesan was about. And then the head chef comes back from the dead as a zombie and you and your cokehead brother have to kill him to save the restaurant and the world and yeah. Life is crazy.
4. We would all have superb dialogue.
No more stuttering over your words or sounding like a complete tool in front of your crush. Your sentences would be well crafted and full of deep thoughts if life was a movie. You know those long drawn out speeches every great drama has? Forget simple sentences because those monologues are your life now.
5. You know that guy you see all the time at work? He's either the love of your life or a serial killer. Or both.
We all need love, right? Maybe...
6. Background music would play constantly.
Adele's glorious music would surround you as something tragic happened, Bruno Mar's lovey-dovey tunes would play every time you see a potential lover, and something by Green Day would blast as you drown in your angst. Also, feel free to spontaneously break out into song and dance.
So the next time you're watching a movie, imagine if that was your life. Make sure to pick a good one!