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All 19 'Legend Of Zelda' Games Described In One Sentence

Just so you get the gist of it.

All 19 'Legend Of Zelda' Games Described In One Sentence

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If you don't know what “The Legend of Zelda" is, then you must've been living under a rock since 1986. “The Legend of Zelda" is one of gaming's most famous and beloved franchises.

I mean how can you not just fall in love with these games? With hours of puzzles and dungeon crawling, an iconic cast of characters, amazing music, and rich lore, there is nothing that “The Legend of Zelda" doesn't have. It is everything you could possibly want out of a videogame series.

Now, there are 19 games across at least 10 different consoles. Each is unique and memorable in it's own special way. So, I thought as a Zelda fan, why not describe each in about one sentence for all those people who may have not played every single one.

So, here is a vague, out-of-context description of every single game in Zelda canon. And by canon, I mean games that have an official place in the controversial timeline. Sorry fans of “Link's Crossbow Training," “Tingle's Rupee Land," and “Hyrule Warriors."

“The Legend of Zelda”

The Legend of Zelda

It's not really a secret to everybody thanks to this thing called the Internet... also because of the fact this game is over 30 years old.

“Zelda II: The Adventure of Link”

Zelda 2

I swear to God if Ganon laughs at me one more time because I’m back where I started— NO! NO! NO! NO! @#!@$^&%@^#@#!!!!!!!!

“A Link to the Past”

A Link to the Past

This is the REAL sequel to the original game. Also, Link’s hair is not actually supposed to be pink.

“Link’s Awakening”

“Doo-doo-doo. Doo-doo-doo. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo." -Marin every time you see her.

“Ocarina of Time”

Ocarina of Time

How to trigger a Zelda fan in three words: “Hey! Look! Listen!"

“Majora’s Mask”

Majora\u2019s Mask

The apocalyptic moon has a creepy face for some reason, yet it’s still not as terrifying as the Happy Mask Salesman.

“Oracle of Ages” and “Oracle of Seasons”


It's basically “Fire Emblem Fates" before “Fire Emblem Fates" existed... also, there was supposedly supposed to be a third one.... At least that’s what I think. I’ve never played these games because I don’t have a Game Boy Color.

“Four Swords”

Four Swords

You need four Links to stop not-Ganon from destroying Hyrule.

“The Wind Waker”

Wind Waker

Do I really have to scavenge the whole damn sea for the Triforce of Courage?

“Four Swords Adventures”

Four Swords Adventures

Four Links must beat not-Ganon to.... wait a minute, isn’t this basically “Four Swords” all over again?

“The Minish Cap”

Minish Cap

Instead of a fairy, Link’s guide is his hat...

“Twilight Princess”

Twilight Princess Does this technically mean Link is a werewolf?

“Phantom Hourglass”

Phantom Hourglass

An old man apparently never told Tetra that it's dangerous to go alone and now you have to unpetrify her.

“Spirit Tracks”

Spirit Tracks

You get to finally play as Princess Zelda — kind of... also, there are trains.

“Skyward Sword”

Skyward Sword

See? Zelink shippers knew Link and Zelda were meant to be together.

“A Link Between Worlds”

A Link Between Worlds

“A Link to the Past” but with paintings.

“Triforce Heroes”

Triforce Heroes

In the land of not-Hyrule, you get to dress Link in funny outfits. Somehow this game is canon.

“Breath of the Wild”

Breath of the Wild

“How many unique ways can I murder enemies and Link (accidentally, of course)?” — everyone who has ever played this game.

And there you have it. A brief description of every single game in Zelda canon. This wasn't meant to be serious in anyway or entirely accurate. I hope I at least made you laugh a little.

In all seriousness though, there's a reason “The Legend of Zelda" is so beloved, and that's because it's timeless and iconic. It doesn't matter if it's 1986 or 2019, none of the Zelda games ever get old.

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