Hey, Lara Spencer, Stop Shaming Boys For Liking Ballet
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Hey, Lara Spencer, Boys Can Be Ballet Dancers, Too, And They Shouldn't Be Shamed For It

Bullying is bad and should not be tolerated, especially by an adult on television.

Hey, Lara Spencer, Boys Can Be Ballet Dancers, Too, And They Shouldn't Be Shamed For It

If you haven't seen the clip circling online yet (you should watch it, and you should be angry), yesterday, on "Good Morning America," the topic of the classes that 6-year-old Prince George has on his schedule for this coming year — one of which is ballet.

Her reaction? Laughing (or at least attempting to hold it back). She then goes on to say, "Prince William says George absolutely loves ballet," she said, looking mystified while she stifled laughter. "I have news for you, Prince William. We'll see how long that lasts."

The online response from the ballet world was swift and strong. Companies such as San Francisco Ballet and many dancers such as Robbie Fairchild, Ashley Bouder and several others voiced their outrage on Instagram following the show.

As a former ballerina, in some ways, it doesn't surprise me that this was her reaction. Ballet has always been thought to be something that little children do, when they're, well, little. I was a dancer from the time I was 2 years old till about the age of 14 years and there were times that people were like "You do ballet? Isn't that for little kids?"

And that is what makes the whole thing so sickening.

Of course, that isn't what the problem is here, it's that he is, well a he. After seeing the clip myself, I was so angry about the way that she totally dismissed ballet (and the way that everyone was laughing along with her in the background). I can't even imagine what it would be like to be a male dancer and see that.

It's no secret that young boys who enroll in dance classes face bullying to an outstanding degree — according to the documentary "Danseur," the number is 85% of male ballet students in the United States.

And, there are several benefits to ballet. Some of which include communication skills, confidence, better posture, and overall creative expression, as well as many other things.

Fact: it takes at least 10 years to develop a classical dancer. In that time they are developing their technique, their muscles, and their body to be able to do some of the movements that dancers have to do.

She did later apologize on her Instagram:

But by then, it was almost too late.

As someone who is studying journalism, she should have never made that comment (or at least found a different way to say it. In class, we are told to deliver the facts without putting in our opinion, she did not do that.

The reality is that Prince George will be OK. He has loving parents and is both wealthy and privileged. But what about those boys who have to hide it, not just from strangers but their friends too? Who will stand up for them?

Bottom line: Bullying is bad and should not be tolerated, especially by an adult on television.

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