In The Kitchen With College Chefs: Butler Delta Tau Delta | The Odyssey Online
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In The Kitchen With College Chefs: Butler Delta Tau Delta

Thursdays are for the Calzones

In The Kitchen With College Chefs: Butler Delta Tau Delta

Dough Recipe

20 ounces (about 4 cups) bread flour, preferably Italian-style "OO"

.4 ounces kosher salt (about 4 teaspoons)

.3 ounces (about 2 teaspoons) instant yeast

13 ounces water

1. Combine flour, salt, and yeast in a large bowl and whisk until homogenous. Add water and incorporate into flour using hands until no dry flour remains on bottom of bowl. Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and allow to rise at room temperature for 8 to 12 hours.

2. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface and divide into four even balls. Place each in a covered quart-sized deli container or in a zipper-lock freezer bag. Place in refrigerator and allow to rise at least 2 more days, and up to 4. Remove from refrigerator, shape into balls, and allow to rest at room temperature for at least 2 hours before baking.

Fire Roasted Tomato Marinara

12 Ripe Roma Tomatoes

3 Red and 3 Yellow Bell Peppers

1 Large Red Onion Peeled and Sliced Thick into rounds

1. Roast Vegetables over open flame until charred and place in a container with a lid for 15 min to soften. In a large skillet saute 2 oz minced garlic, 2 cups of chopped basil, thyme, oregano and 1 tbsp red chili flake. Lightly brown garlic and deglaze with a ½ cup of balsamic vinegar. Then reserve. Break peppers down and deseed and rough chop tomatoes.

2. Add to the skillet and toss together. Blend to a chunky consistency. Season to taste

3. Assemble by stretching dough and fill with 2 oz Italian sausage, 2 oz pepperoni, 3 oz fresh mozzarella. Close and seal the dough. Blend an egg and brush the calzone. Cut 2 slits in the top to vent steam so dough gets crisp. Then sprinkle with grated parmesan.

College Chefs is the creative food solution exclusively for fraternities and sororities around the U.S. A culinary company first, their Chefs are world-class talents whose backgrounds range from former restaurant owners to genuine, trained foodies who are just looking to break into the industry. Talk to your House Manager & get your house to make the switch to College Chefs!

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