3. Although one of them does have a tough time warming up to people, once he does, he honestly enjoys your company | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons I Love My Dogs

Why you should love them too because FYI-- they're perfect!!

10 Reasons I Love My Dogs
Shaylee Navarro

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Hello, Hello, this is a public service announcement: my dogs are perfect. Enough said. I can honestly end this article right here. Why are they perfect? Well, the simple reason is that they're my dogs so of course they're the best, and is that bias? Yes, but is it untrue? No.

Anyway, if you can't tell already, I love my dogs. Especially being in college, I miss them so much and I get so excited to go back home so that I can see them again ( :( yes I know, woe is me!!). I have 2 more weeks until I go back home and I cannot wait-- I honestly can't wait til finals are over so that I can finally get to see them! But until then, I'm here writing, listing the reasons why I love my dogs (AKA, why they are perfect).

So a bit of background, my dogs are both Shih Tzu's but before you go "Oh, Shih Tzu's are so ugly..." blah, blah, blah, like excuse me NO, you have not met my dogs! Like yeah, most Shih Tzu's are ugly, I agree, BUT not these Shih Tzu's!

Anyway, they're Shih Tzu's, they've just turned a year old this past January-- which also means that they're brothers, so cute! They're brothers but they honestly don't look like it. They both have white fur but their spots are different-- one has black/brown spots and the other is more of a reddish/brown.

Also, this numbering is going to be slightly off, since I can only show pictures through listicles, so the actual reasons won't start until #3.

So let's start with pictures of the two

The one with the black spots is Steven and if you don't think Steven is the best name for a dog, then I don't know what's wrong with you...

He's such a shy dog, but he's so loving too. He's also kind of hilarious because he thinks he's tougher than he actually is but gets scared so easily. He also appreciates his personal space a lot which means going in his cage when he really wants to take a nap during the day and really doesn't like to be disturbed at that time (which honestly he's just acting like a grandpa, which is okay, not judging!). He's also pretty skinny, which is funny since he eats the same amount as his brother but whatever.

Next is Pepper, which I honestly don't know why his name is Pepper, but again it does suit him, I don't know why though...

This is a picture of him when he was a few months old and before he got a haircut, but still cute nonetheless (in the last picture with Steven, they've both have recently received a haircut). Pepper's the most outgoing of the two and loves attention, especially from strangers which I think is weird but go off I guess. He also isn't a big fan of being outside, like he'll happily be outside for 10 minutes, but then quickly wants to come back in, whereas his brother loves staying out for a while.

1. Even with different personalities, they complement each other so well

Even if they get annoyed with each other from time to time, they also love each other so much. They love playing with each other, sleeping next to each other, and it's honestly so sweet!

2. They're quick to learn new tricks and are eager to please

3. Although one of them does have a tough time warming up to people, once he does, he honestly enjoys your company

4. They're not picky eaters! And they like fruits/vegetables on the occasion! 

5. They love to walk around/play which helps with staying physically active

6. They're so soft! 

Almost like blankets! And they like to cuddle (especially Pepper) so it's honestly just nice, like one cannot fully explain the feeling.

7. They follow you/look for you, especially in the morning when they get really excited to greet you.

8. They love sleeping by your feet.

My feet anyway so I don't know if this means that my feet smell or if they just love me. Let's hope it's the former.

9. They sleep with their belly exposed or they're feet up in the air.

If you're a dog owner, you know. This also may not seem like a big deal to non-dog owners but this pretty much means that the dog is comfortable in it's environment and doesn't feel the need to protect itself.

10. They love you unconditionally.

They're honestly so sweet, and look up to you because you're their owner! And honestly that's so sweet that they put so much trust in you (talking for dogs in general) that there should be no reason why they shouldn't!

I could honestly go on listing all the things I love about my dogs (and dogs in general, because who doesn't like dogs?), but there's only so much you can list until it starts getting annoying...

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