Guilty Pleasures
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10 Guilty Pleasures I'm Proud Of

Guilty as charged.

10 Guilty Pleasures I'm Proud Of

Call it shameless, guilty pleasures are those homebody tendencies that turn us into the child we keep close in our hearts. It could be something as simple as a favorite junk food you ate growing up or a peculiar habit that only you find absolutely normal. Whatever the pleasure, you happily plea guilty. Here are ten of my guilty pleasures I unforgivingly stand by.

1. B-movies.

Is "Batman Forever" the worst Batman movie ever made? More than likely, but it also depends on how you look at it. First, you have to look at. I know it is hard, but try listening to the dialogue. Mr. Freeze had too many one liners to make Arnold Schwarzengger more than happy. The ridiculous wide shots of George Clooney's butt and nipples in Batman's suit are the metaphorical death of a superhero. What kills me the most is the Bat Credit Card. It is the only credit card in the world that buys Batman's technology. This movie tried to bring back Adam West's Batman, but failed and in a way succeeded with the creation of a new genre: So Bad It's Good. The only true B-Movie I enjoy that maybe dated now is "The Blob" from 1958.

2. Old soul.

The one thing I learned about acting your age is that it cannot be done. Numbers do not have assigned behaviors, unless you are a mathematician that expects similar results. I know I act older than maybe I should, but I also am aware that I am better off because of my well-adjusted behavior. I do not want to become a follower or even a leader, despite the good intentions that label brings. I will not become my age group. Being the odd man out, the anomaly, the outsider of sorts, are ambiguous handles that can only be given to a person that accepts himself for himself without remorse. To that I say I am an old soul that knows what's up, down, and all around.

3. Sharpening pencils.

Sometimes for too long. There is this auditory and visual satisfaction of creating a fine point of lead on a number two Dixon Ticonderoga you cannot beat. Sharpening a pencil down to the eraser is an accomplishment most kids in grade school could only appreciate as well, and I did this often. The origami pattern in a long length of pencil shavings and their smell were the stuff of small tasks done well. It did not matter if the pencil needed or did not need sharpening, the ritual of fine-tuning your writing tool was a more fulfilling process than inserting miniature rods of lead into a mechanical pencil.

4. Vintage anything.

As much as others believe this is a hipster thing, taking a particular interest in history's oddities and forgotten pieces of time are no small hobby. There is something to be appreciated in antique objects that served a purpose in the past. Collecting vintage items is one thing, but breathing new life into them is another. The older the better, I say.

5. Singing in the shower.

This is one is really so no one can hear me sing or if my family can hear me, they will keep this fact to themselves. It is not that I am a gifted singer or a self-proclaimed powerhouse with pipes. I like to sing without a choir is all. A place where no one will judge you or your playlist of favorite soundtracks that explain your life.

6. Dessert.

The ice cream sandwich is Ice cream you can hold closer to your hand. It is the Oreo cookie in ice cream form. Rum cake is cake that will not get you drunk. Butterscotch, another candy that will not get you drunk. My sweet tooth is on the hunt for that next delectable treat.

7. Buying more books than I read.

It is the true sign of a bibliophile. When you buy all the books you plan to read but only read one out of the stack you add to the many other stacks on your backlog. I have to enjoy the first read as much as the last!

8. Saying something that I think is cool but is actually genuinely nerdy.

This happens with women a lot. I will try to say something clever or spark up a topic that they can relate to and it backfires without fail (or with fail?) Ladies, I swear it is not me trying to come on to you. I just figure trying too hard is what all the cool cats are doing. At least we can laugh at my expense wholeheartedly and be nerdy in the process.

9. Telling people something I just learned, getting them to think.

Every TED talk, any educational program or documentary I have seen turns me into a transceiver for anyone who does not ask. I get the urge to share my wealth of knowledge and it's just not fair if they do not care enough as I do.

10. Walking around the house naked when no one is around.

The feeling of being free from the chains that are your clothes is hard to explain. Think of it this way: remember that beautiful, warm and windy day? That is what being naked at home feels like, with all the elements of Mother Nature knowing you too well. Just be thankful it is not a glass house.

Guilty pleasures are just as normal as they are weird.

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