Emily: "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen | The Odyssey Online
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Pick Your Favorite 'Gilmore Girls' Character and I'll give you a book to read

Because a show that centers on a book-lover deserves its own reading list.

Rory Gilmore

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"Gilmore Girls" seems to be a show about anything and everything. It chronicles small-town life, private school, and tricky family relationships, among many other things. However, no matter what the topic at hand, Rory always has a book in her hand. Throughout the series, the characters refer to approximately 339 books over the course of the 7 seasons. This doesn't even include the revival!

Rory: "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

"To Kill a Mockingbird" documents the coming-of-age of Scout, the young daughter of powerful lawyer Atticus Finch. Scout isn't sure what she thinks of the culture of the world around her and spends much of the book forming her own opinions. Similarly, viewers first meet Rory as a high school girl who is in the process of transferring to an elite private school, which impacts every aspect of her life moving forward. Rory is very unsure of herself throughout the entire series and revival but takes chances like Scout to learn who she is.

Lorelai: "Talking As Fast As I Can" by Lauren Graham

Okay, so this one is kind of a cheater. I don't really associate Lorelai with books, and I think "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed is TOO obvious for those who have seen the revival. Graham shares many similarities with her "Gilmore Girls" character and brings the same humor to her memoir. I highly recommend the audiobook.

Luke: "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton

Even though he's an adult, Luke still seems to be growing up throughout the 7 seasons (8 if you include the revival) of Gilmore Girls. "The Outsiders" tells the story of rough-around-the-edges gang-member boys as they grow up through gang-related conflicts. Plus, I think this is one of few books Luke would actually enjoy.

Emily: "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

Well, aside from the fact that a picture of Emily Gilmore should appear next to both "pride" and "prejudice" in the dictionary, Austen's novel focuses on many of the same traditional values Emily clings to, such as aspiring to be married and rich. Additionally, the satirical tone in "Pride and Prejudice" match the way Emily often speaks to Lorelai.

Richard: "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Richard Gilmore reminds me quite a bit of Jay Gatsby. Both men are rich, but more importantly both are intellectual with a clear idea of what they want out of life. Plus, Gilmore and Gatsby both like to have fun, however in drastically different ways. Richard is simply a down-to-earth version of Jay Gatsby.

Dean: "Anna and the French Kiss" by Stephanie Perkins

Just like Dean, "Anna and the French Kiss" epitomizes young love. Both Dean's original storyline with Rory and Anna's crush and whirlwind romance with Etienne St. Clair seem too good to be true.

Lane: "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn

On the surface, Lane isn't quite the character the average viewer would associate with a crime-filled, thriller, mystery novel. Lane however craves an escape from her reality just as strongly as Amy Dunne wants an escape from hers.

Jess: "Looking for Alaska" by John Green

"Looking for Alaska" is a very literary novel about a mysterious girl named Alaska (I'll leave it at that so I don't say too much; this is really a book you need to go into blindly). Jess is an avid reader with an air of rebel and intrigue completely unlike any boy Rory had ever met. "Looking for Alaska" pushes some boundaries just as Jess pushed the limits of Rory's life.

Paris: "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley

I find that it's often difficult to see Paris as the kind, sensitive person she truly is due to her intense attitude toward life. Frankenstein's creature is dismissed like Paris because his appearance is so grotesque, most people don't know how to react to him. Both of these characters experience hardship that form them just because of their rough first impressions.

Logan: "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky

While Logan is the furthest thing from a "wallflower," he views the world in a drastically different way than Rory, so they have a lot to learn from each other, just as Charlie (the wallflower) learns from his peers and his peers learn from him.

*BONUS* Sookie: "Eat Like a Gilmore" by Kristi Carlson

Okay, so this one isn't really a book you can read. But a bunch of dedicated "Gilmore Girls" fans worked with Carlson to create a cookbook featuring some of the most memorable dishes from the show. Let me tell you, everything I've tried from this book is absolutely delicious!

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