8. She doesn't tolerate homophobia | The Odyssey Online
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23 Reasons You Should Subscribe NOW To Lilly Singh, AKA iiSuperwomanii

This YouTuber is a major BAWSE.


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1. She's hella relatable

Lilly nails bad makeup days, what it'd be like if we were honest at job interviews, and (particularly relevant,) that one person who always starts the Halloween celebrations too early (cue side eye).

2. She keeps it clean

Lilly doesn't swear in her videos. You may hear the occasional "damn," but you'll never hear the F word. One of her favorite phrases is easily "motherf-er" - and no, that's not a censoring.

3. She keeps things real

Lilly's vlog channel gives her fans a daily insight into her life, what's going on - and how she's doing. She makes sure to keep her fans in the know on how she's doing, and always speaks her mind on issues. For example, Lilly took to her vlog channel to shut down rumors about why she chose not to attend this year's VidCon.

4. Eight years later and Lilly is still creating amazing content

You read that right--EIGHT YEARS. Did I mention she uploads TWICE a week? (What up, Super Monday and Thursday!) She also uploads daily on her vlog.

5. She's still insanely creative

It takes a lot of creativity and imagination to come up with content consistently--especially since she uploads twice a week.

6. She began her own production company.

It's called Unicorn Island Productions. Up first: an animated series based on the queer Instagram comic, Kickass Drag Queen created by Bob the Drag Queen.

7. She emphasizes self love and being your unique self

Lilly calls her fans "unicorns," as her way of emphasizing the importance of being yourself - even if it means being different from others. She constantly emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance.

Lilly recently became a spokesperson and model for Olay's #FaceAnything campaign. #FaceAnything is all about defying the gender norms for women, about having confidence to be bold and true to oneself. The campaign's focus is everything Lilly works towards for her female fans.

8. She doesn't tolerate homophobia

9. Or sexism

10. Or racism

11. Her period-related videos are ON THE MONEY.

My personal favorite is "If My Period Were a Person," where she collaborated with fellow YouTuber Connor Franta. Followed by "If Boys Got Their Periods." (Full playlist here.)

12. In fact, her first period video is behind this popular meme

Girls on their periods

13. Lilly genuinely cares about giving back and helping others

Lily began the #GirlLove initiative, which works to raise money to help girls in underprivileged countries get an education. She's a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador AND partners with the We Movement.

14. Paramjeet and Manjeet

Paramjeet and Manjeet are Lilly's "parents," whom she's been portraying since her early days of filming in her Toronto home. Every time these characters appear, you know it's going to be hilarious. Lilly portrays the two as super strict, typical Indian parents. Her best parent videos are "My Parents React," where she reacts to popular music videos as her parents. She also has an IGTV series for her parental characters titled "Spice News."

15. She understands the single life struggles.

Imagine if you actually could build your own boyfriend!

Another awesome, older video: Types of Single People

16. And the introvert/antisocial life

17. Her collaborations are EPIC.

She's done videos with big-time celebrities like Dwayne Johnson (multiple collabs, I might add), WILL SMITH, John Legend, Seth Rogan and James Franco, Charlize Theron...the list goes on. And they're all hilarious and wonderful.

18. Lilly sees you, Internet

You can't be a YouTuber and not understand just what the Internet is really like.

19. She understands the fans all too well

She has two videos on "types of fans" and recently jokingly called out her Twitter fan base.

20. She loves her fans to no end

Lilly does her daily vlogs for her fans, as a way to connect with them. She even opened a PO box, something she had chosen not to do for a long time, just so her fans could interact with her more directly. Lilly constantly talks about how much she loves her fans, and it shows in her passion for the content she creates. She does it all not just for herself, but for the fan base that's supported her since the beginning.

21. She wrote a motivational/autobiographical book

Based on her life experiences, Lilly shares some amazing advice on how to conquer life, not just survive it.

22. She also has an *amazing* lip color with Smashbox

One of Lilly's few beauty trademarks has been a red lip. Back in 2016, she teamed up with Smashbox to release a gorgeous red shade titled, of course, "Bawse." This shade is perfect for all skin tones - and I say this as a pale person who can rock this red lip!

23. You'll die of cuteness from Scarbro

HOW CUTE IS THAT FACE?? This is Lilly's fur baby. She's very much a doggy mom, and this dog is hands down one of the most precious things EVER. Watch her vlogs and follow him on Instagram for daily cuteness!! (Yes, the dog has his own Instagram. She's that kind of doggy mom.)

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