Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Pulls Nike Incentives Over Kaepernick Feud
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Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey To Nike After Kap Flap: Just Shove It

Arizona's governor said he was retracting all of his state's incentives to Nike.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey To Nike After Kap Flap: Just Shove It

After shoe giant Nike pulled its new Betsy Ross flag-branded sneakers in response to criticism from Colin Kaepernick, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey blasted the decision as a "terrible mistake." In a series of tweets early Tuesday morning, the Arizona governor called out Nike and Kaepernick for pulling the flag-emblazoned sneakers. Ducey also ordered the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw all financial incentives for the shoe company to build a plant in Goodyear, Arizona.

Ducey ripped into Nike for the decision saying, "Arizona's economy is doing just fine without Nike," he said. "We don't need to suck up to companies that consciously denigrate our nation's history."

The patriotic-style shoes were pulled after Colin Kaepernick, a spokesperson for the brand and outspoken critic of racial inequality in America, said the shoes were offensive due to the slavery-era design. In a statement released by Nike, the company said, "Nike is a company proud of its American heritage and our continuing engagement supporting thousands of American athletes including the US Olympic team and US Soccer teams," the company said in a statement. "We already employ 35,000 people in the US and remain committed to creating jobs in the US, including a significant investment in an additional manufacturing center which will create 500 new jobs."

The deal, which was agreed to in May, gave around $1 million from the city of Goodyear to the shoe giant for the waving of permit and review fees. Goodyear also said it would reimburse Nike up to an additional $1 million if the plant brought the 505 jobs the company promised.

Arizona's economy won't really take a hit if the plant does not end up going in the West Valley city. Arizona has one of the biggest economies in the Southwest. Ducey condemned the organization for its political correctness and says Nike lacks pride in the USA.

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