While a winter-time romance seems ideal to some, it's truly the opposite. People are more susceptible to jump into relationships because it's cold, a magical time of year, and the need to feel less lonely in the chillier months.
Here are a few telltale signs that you may be doomed by spring.
You start doing couple-y things several times a week...maybe even a day.Â
You've never been to Kirkland's, so why are they taking you? You just met a month ago and have seen each other every day since. You're suddenly picking out Christmas decorations for your "partner's" apartment and they're talking about taking you home for Christmas. How the hell did you get here?
You haven't been on Tinder or out to the bar in weeks.
You've found yourself staying in, rather than going out and looking to meet people. Half the time you're in, you're probably with your sudden significant other watching Netflix. Nothing super exciting going on, if you know what I mean.
Your friends are now theirs, and vice versa.
Even your friends are confused. They don't know how this happened, or how you two even met for that matter. But, they're all getting along like they were meant to all along.
The warmer it gets, the less you speak.
Somehow, you start to miss the sudden whirlwind romance that you had. You haven't talked in days, and it feels like you're growing distant. You actually started enjoying their company, and you start wondering what you did wrong.
You start seeing them with other people.Â
The person their with doesn't look like you. They're looking all cuddly and happy, and you start thinking you should do the same. But, you never really got your closure, so how can you?
The relationship officially ends.
Whether they call you, you call them, or you physically meet, you finally reach the final chapter in your short book. You realize that it wasn't much of a relationship. Nothing was really... real. It was just a convenient relationship, and you both decide to leave as unlikely friends.
It's normal to get wrapped up in the wonders of a winter relationship. However, take this as a warning to stay strong and find someone out of interest, rather than convenience. Sure, the winter months get cold, but blankets keep you just as warm.
Hope you find love in the best of places.