10. A Woman Like You by Lee Brice | The Odyssey Online
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20 Country Songs That Encapsulate True Love

Because everyone knows country music does the best love songs.

20 Country Songs That Encapsulate True Love

For anyone who likes country music, you know that the majority of the songs are about love. However, out of all of them, these are some of my favorites. So whether you're in your country feels or just in a romantic mood, this is the playlist for you.

1. Perfect Storm by Brad Paisley

"I love her so much it hurts, I never meant to fall like this, but she don't just rain, she pours; that girl right there is the perfect storm."

2. Crash My Party by Luke Bryan

"This is a drop everything kinda thing."

3. God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton

"For when I think I've lost my way, there are no words here left to say, it's true, God gave me you."

4. Then by Brad Paisley

"Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world, I just can't believe how I feel about you girl."

5. The Only One Who Gets Me by Charles Kelley

"Kinda selfish, little crazy, but you love me anyway baby."

6. From the Ground Up by Dan + Shay

"This life will go by in the blink of an eye, but I wouldn't wanna face it without you by my side."

7. Love Your Love the Most by Eric Church

"I love my truck, but I want you to know, honey I love your love the most."

8. Grow Old by Florida Georgia Line 

"Learn to love from a church pew, laugh about all the times we'll count the pennies, buy some land with a good view to start a family, baby grow old with me."

9. Still Fallin by Hunter Hayes

"I still reach for your hand because I need it, your kiss is still the spark that lights a fire."

10. A Woman Like You by Lee Brice

"Honestly I don't know what I'd do, if I never met a woman like you."

11. Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band

"Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you? I wouldn't dream of going nowhere."

12. Break on Me by Keith Urban

"When you heart needs to break, just break on me."

13. Whatever It Is by Zac Brown Band

"There's just something about the woman, makes my heart go haywire, she's gonna be my wife."

14. For Her by Chris Lane

"She's got a smile that makes your worst day feel it's like your birthday."

15. Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs

"Yeah she's crazy, but her crazy is beautiful to me."

16. Makin' Me Look Good Again by Drake White

"Then those loving arms, they pull me back in, there you go baby, making me look good again."

17. She's Everything by Brad Paisley

"She's the giver I wish I could be, and the stealer of the cover."

18. Die a Happy Man by Thomas Rhett

"And I know that I can't ever tell you enough that all I need in this life is your crazy love."

19. In Case You Didn't Know by Brett Young

"Baby I'm crazy about you, and I'd be lying if I said that I could live this life without you."

20. Speechless by Dan + Shay

"You already know that you're my weakness, after all this time I'm just nervous every time you walk into the room."

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