9. The moment when finals week arrives | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

College Life, As Told By Horror Films

Even characters in scary movies can describe the thrills of college life.

Horror Films

One of the greatest experiences in life is college. Depending on your major and year, this is either a fun or stressful time (it's most likely a combination of both) for students. College has good food (sometimes), interesting people, and great memories, but the journey to happiness and success can be suspenseful. Here are 10 moments when horror characters have best described college life.

1. When you are struggling with assignments and want the semester to be over

There comes a time at the start of each semester where college students become frustrated with their classes. They are not sure what to do and just want it to be over. The expressions of Frankenstein's monster and the attitude he portrays describe this moment that students endure. Just remain calm and work hard to keep the spark of success alive.

2. That moment when you are starving but cannot decide what you want to eat

Food is another problem that students have to deal with. The stress of classes makes us annoyed, tired, and hungry. The venus fly trap certainly describes how students feel if they have not gotten their food. The choice of where you eat is up to you. Make sure you're next dining location is not a little shop of horrors, but a memorable experience.

3. When you are walking around campus and see a dog

Every time students walk around campus, they see dogs of many sizes. They are so cute and friendly, it's impossible to ignore them. Go ahead and pet the dog (with permission), I'm sure he will not bite. Perhaps he or she will make you smile instead of giving you trauma.

4. When you are sitting in a class for an hour and do not understand the lecture

Lectures can be long. They are either interesting or boring. Depending on the class you are taking, the course can also be hard to understand. Like dolls, many college students feel like they are falling apart at the seams. While getting an education is not child's play, you can succeed by asking questions, taking good notes, and exercising to benefit your mind, body, and soul.

5. The moment when you are struggling to stay awake during a boring class

Classes are boring at times, and since the syllabus can be a nightmare, the lectures make it difficult to stay awake. Pretend that the lecture is a topic you really care about before you enter the lecture hall. Maintaining a positive mindset is important. Do not fall asleep, since you will have enough time to dream about your weekend plans outside of class.

6. When the professor assigns too much homework before the weekend

College students hate getting homework. When the professor assigns too much of it, students will panic. Homework, projects, and exams drive us batty, and we feel lost at times. Start with the homework that is more difficult so the rest will be much easier. This way you will not burn out and will instead feel better after accomplishing these stressful assignments.

7. That feeling when you get an email saying that class was cancelled

College students are always relieved when they find out that class was canceled. Unless they drove to the university or walked to class before reading the email or text they received. However, this blessing does not mean you should clown around. Use the time outside of class to complete any homework or projects, and keep working until you finish it.

8. Realizing that you passed a midterm but have another one coming up

The worst feeling that a college student can get is thinking you finished all your midterms but then realizing you are not done yet. Continue to finish assignments, but give yourself some time before your next study session. Although the workload might cause you to scream, do not give up. You will eventually prevail.

9. The moment when finals week arrives

Finals week is definitely something that will make any college student tremble in fear. However, it is important to remember that you have multiple resources available. There is no reason to stay angry and silent. The final exam looks frightening, but with effort, you can overcome this seemingly unbeatable challenge.

10. When the semester is over and you just need to complete the course surveys

After the semester ends, college students are grateful they overcame the challenges they encountered. Hopefully, everything turned out okay. The greatest thing about the semester ending (if you are not graduating yet) is the course surveys. If you did not lose your mind during the semester, this is an opportunity to explain the pros and cons of the courses you took, and hopefully, you will inspire other students to either take the class or stay away from it.

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