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17 Times You Promised Yourself You Wouldn't Need An Uber, But Straight Up Lied

Thank God for Uber.

17 Times You Promised Yourself You Wouldn't Need An Uber, But Straight Up Lied

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Honestly, what college student in 2018 doesn't use Uber?

I can honestly say I can't imagine life without it. Uber is the best, especially when you're living in LA and parking is non-existent. But, let's admit it, there have been times we promised ourselves we would find another mean of transportation/walk and not order and Uber.

When you're running late for class


Remember when you decided on those extra 30 minutes of sleep?

When it's the first rainy day of the year


What? You expect me to walk and risk slipping or stepping in a puddle in these new shoes?

When it's over 100 degrees out


The last thing you want to do in this weather is walk all the way across campus.

When you decide to wear those heels


You knew you couldn't walk in those shoes, yet you chose to wear them anyways. Now you're paying the consequences, literally.

When you *accidentally* stay out till 2:30 in the morning


When you decide to take a quick grocery store trip...


and it turns into stocking up for the entire month

When you enroll in an 8am class


The only thing worse than having an 8am, is waking up for your 8am and giving yourself enough time to walk to class.

When you miss the last train


You really have no other option at this point.

When you get lost in a foreign country


You told yourself you'd take public transportation, but next thing you know you're lost and confused and Uber can pinpoint your location.

When you realize you forgot your computer at your apartment


You told yourself you would just walk back and make it to class in time, but you know you won't.

When you want to go home from the bar down the street


Yes, your Uber driver is probably internally making fun of you for your 0.2 mile trip.

When you wore that outfit you knew you couldn't walk in


You thought that you could walk to your destination, but you couldn't make it five feet.

The networking event on campus


You know, the one you almost forgot about.

When you said you'd jog to the gym


You're going to work out anyways and that's good enough, right?

When you decide to go to your friend's place who lives across campus


Why waste time walking across campus when Uber can get you there in under 10 minutes

When you need to get to recruitment


You spent longer than you thought getting ready and now you're running late. On the plus side, your makeup won't be melting off.

When you promised to be the DD


Oops? Thank God for Uber right?

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