Friends in college become a sort of family. Being alone and trying to act grown up, even though we all know you're not, is scary. Having my best friends by my side to help me through it has personally helped me more than I can even describe. You live together, eat together, and absolutely everything else together.
1. If you spend more than 20 minutes apart, you aren’t really sure what to do with yourself
I can't even tell you the amount of texts I've gotten/ sent to one of my friends because we both had class all day and I missed them. Don't even get me started on school breaks.
2. You eat every single meal together
Meals are sacred times for me and my friends. When you've had a long day apart, dinners are mandatory events to catch up on each other's lives.
3. You know exactly what to say to make your friends laugh
Or make them mad. Depends on the mood.
4. You forgive all of each other’s annoying/weird/dramatic traits
Even though you know the fact that Bobby from calc left your friend on read for 2 hours definitely isn't that big of a deal deal, you still sit on the floor with her while she cries about it. You'll also probably make fun of her for it later.
5. You know exactly how crazy each other are, and yet you still choose to live together
Even though you probably drive each other crazy half of the time, college friends are like family, and you wouldn't want to share one bathroom with anyone else.