2. "River" by Joni Mitchell | The Odyssey Online
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12 Christmas Songs For All The Single Ladies, Theydies and Men

Trust me - if you're single, you'll need these 12 Christmas songs on your Spotify playlist.

single happy queer fem asian person in a luxurious outfit drinking and dancing during christmas

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It's that time of year again, when "Rudolph" is on TV, and everywhere you look is red and green. Christmas is fun and all, but it can seem a little dreary without anyone to spend it with. If you're planning to spend the holidays alone, these 12 Christmas songs are right up your alley.

1. "Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley

What's Christmas without bopping to "Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley at least once? This classic is perfect for you if you're spending Christmas without a boo.

2. "River" by Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell's "River," released in 1971, is a gorgeous folk song for those of us approaching the holidays alone. If you love this song as much as I do, check out Tore Bojsten's acoustic cover.

3. "Last Christmas" by Wham!

No joke, this has been my favorite Christmas song since my elementary school days. "Last Christmas" by Wham! is the perfect song to jam to if you're single during the holidays.

4. "Hard Candy Christmas" by Dolly Parton

Once again, Dolly Parton has won our hearts, this time with her "Hardy Candy Christmas." I've sung this one a little too loud and a little too often. Leigh Nash's cover of "Hard Candy Christmas" is also amazing.

5. "Santa Baby" by Daniela Andrade

This gentle cover of "Santa Baby" by Daniela Andrade will fit right into your "Single Christmas" playlist.

6. "The Secret Of Christmas" by Ella Fitzgerald

Ella Fitzgerald's cover of "The Secret Of Christmas" is absolutely enchanting and perfect for all the single pringles this holiday season.

7. "Where Are You Christmas?" by Faith Hill

A beautiful, touching song, "Where Are You Christmas?" by Faith Hill describes perfectly how some of us feel when we're alone for the holidays.

8. "White Christmas" by Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes' "White Christmas" is a gentle cover of a well-loved classic.

9. "Merry Christmas, Darling" by Carpenters

"Merry Christmas, Darling" by Carpenters, released in the 1970s, is a soft, sweet song to listen to if you're going to be alone on Christmas.

10. "Lonely This Christmas" by Mud

I recently discovered "Lonely This Christmas" by Mud, and I'm in love. Slightly reminiscent of Elvis Presley, "Lonely This Christmas" deserves a spot on your Spotify playlist.

11. "Please Come Home For Christmas" by Charles Brown

Released in 1960, Charles Brown's "Please Come Home For Christmas" is a blues-y song for all the single ladies and men out there this Christmas. Check out The Eagles' cover, as well.

12. "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole

Basically December's theme song, "The Christmas Song" is one of the best Christmas songs ever and fitting for the holiday season, even if you're single.

The holidays can be enjoyable, regardless of whether you have a boo or not. These 12 Christmas songs are for all my single women, theydies and men this Christmas.

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