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11 Cartoons 90s Kids Would Get Up On Saturday Mornings To Watch If They Came Back

Why not let nostalgia take you for a ride with these cartoons?

Photo by Doug Maloney on Unsplash
Photo by: Doug Maloney on Unsplashed

Since we are now in August and school is already here (hello, expensive textbooks), it's kind of upsetting seeing that it's now back to sitting in a classroom, listening to a teacher lecture when, in reality, everyone kind of wants to be at home watching Netflix and sleeping.

However just because the semester already started, it doesn't mean that on your weekends you should be worrying about schoolwork! Take a bit of time for yourself! Overworking is never okay!

Instead of worrying about school on your time off, why not let nostalgia take you for a ride instead?

Here are 11 television shows that'll bring you nostalgia and remind you of better days! (AKA, before textbooks were ridiculously expensive.)

1. ChalkZone

ChalkZone was a show that ran on the screens of Nickelodeon from 2002-2009 while introducing a young, quirky, but relateable Rudy Tabootie as our main character. When Rudy was eight, he received a magic piece of chalk that, when used, can create a portal to the entrance of ChalkZone, a place where everything that has been drawn in chalk and erased appears! Rudy, along with his two best friends Penny and Snap, go on adventures throughout ChalkZone.

2. Codename: Kids Next Door

Codename: Kids Next Door is a beloved television show that ran on Cartoon Network through the mid-2000s. The show was about a group of children that belonged to an organization full of kid spies that foiled every single plan that the evil adults tried to force upon the world. Even now that KND (Kids Next Door) has been off screens for a total of ten years, it's still a very popular television show that's still loved by many people around the world.

3. Teen Titans (The Original)

Teen Titans is a show that is still beloved by many people from all over the world! The original Teen Titans ran for three years before being tragically canceled; however. it was rebooted into what is now known as Teen Titans Go!

The newest adaptation of the show has mixed reviews; however, Cartoon Network has teased that the original adaptation of the show may be set to come back for a sixth season.

4. Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold! was a show that I'm pretty sure every child has watched; this show could easily be considered a classic for many teenagers and adults all over the world. Hey Arnold! ran from the years of 1996-2004 after having not only one, but two movie adaptations.

This was an honest show about a boy named Arnold who lives with his eccentric grandparents and teaches good lessons on how to be a good, caring person, as he does his best to solve his friends' problems.

5. Totally Spies

Totally Spies featured a trio of high school girls from Beverly Hills, California, who doubled as spies from a secret organization. All three of them are constantly thrown into outrageous scenarios by their manager, Jerry, but nearly always come back successfully from each mission. The show ran on Cartoon Network for a number of years and have had 156 episodes broadcasted.

6. Kim Possible

Kim Possible was probably one of the most popular television shows that Disney Channel ever created, along with Hannah Montana and That's So Raven. The show featured a teenage cheerleader who, on her off time, fought supervillains and saved the world numerous times along with her best friend, Ron Stoppable, and his naked mole rat, Rufus.

7. The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy was a fun but equally terrifying show about two best friends, Billy and Mandy, who tricked the Grim Reaper himself into becoming their best friend for all eternity. Do you remember this show? I remember being always kind of scared of the animation whenever something gruesome happened to a character, but I always kind of related to Mandy's personality.

8. Danny Phantom 

Danny Phantom was probably one of the best television shows that my ten-year-old self could've ever seen! This show ran on Nickelodeon as well, and it was about a teenage boy who accidentally had ghost DNA rewrite his entire DNA strands, giving him the ability to turn into a half-ghost!

The show had a relatable character that attended high school as an outcast who not only had to deal with an overly intelligent sister but also had to deal with crazy and innovative parents.

9. Courage the Cowardly Dog

Courage the Cowardly Dog was a show that featured a tiny dog named Courage who always tried his best to save his best friend and owner, Muriel. I can remember being both equally terrified and ridiculously interested in this show as a child. There are many moments where, even now as an adult, I question severely but nonetheless, seeing this show will always bring back the nostalgia.

10. Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends

Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends had six years of fun on Cartoon Network, giving joy to both young and older viewers as they taught the value of friendship while also proving that, indeed, kids will be kids.

The show featured a home that was made up of many imaginary friends who resided after not being able to live with their creators anymore.

Bloo, the eccentric but slightly chaotic imaginary friend, often goes on adventures with his best friend Mac, who was pressured into abandoning Bloo in the Foster Home after his mother thought he was too old to have an imaginary friend.

11. Jimmy Neutron

Now I know you guys remember Jimmy Neutron! This was a pretty amazing show about a boy genius named Jimmy and his many adventures with his best friends, Carl and Sheen. This show was featured on Nickleodeon for quite some time before ending in 2006.

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