6 Of The Worst Parts Of The End Of The School Year | The Odyssey Online
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6 Of The Worst Parts Of The End Of The School Year

Finals suck, but leaving school sucks more.

6 Of The Worst Parts Of The End Of The School Year

The end of the year is hard. Between finals, leaving your friends, and the total pain it is to move out all of your stuff, it is easy to feel stressed out all the time. The school year itself is no easy ride, but compared to the last few weeks of the semester before summer, the whole semester felt like a breeze. While many parts of the last few weeks of school are hard, these six things, I feel are just the absolute worst.

1. Finals

No description necessary. You already know.

2. Having so much to do, you never leave the library

When you start to forget what it was like to have a life outside of school, that's when you know it's really bad.

3. Leaving your friends

Especially at a school like Michigan where our summer is 40000 months long, leaving the people you see every single day is really hard. Let the tears start now!

4. No sleep

Tests, studying, papers, final dinners, and classes. Sleep just naturally becomes your last priority.

5. The finals diet

Both a really great and really bad thing. You have the thought, "I won't have this for four months," then end up eating too much & feeling sick. Beware.

6. Moving

It is SUCH a pain to move everything you have squished into your little room out. Good thing is, you always find that one T-shirt you have been looking for since September!

To everyone who is in the finals days of their year, ENJOY IT! Time flies, and while school is crazy stressful, after a week of being home, you will wish you were back in AA!

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