39. Interview someone you look up to | The Odyssey Online
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50 Prompts To Kick Writer's Block In The Butt

Because we can't all be John Green.

50 Prompts To Kick Writer's Block In The Butt

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Writer's block. It happens to the best of us. When I'm struggling to work up some creative genius-ness, I like to remind myself that even the best of the best, that's right, even John Green gets writer's block. Or so I like to believe. (If you haven't read 'Paper Towns', 'Looking for Alaska', 'Turtles All The Way Down', 'The Fault In Our Stars', or 'An Abundance of Katherines', What are you doing with your life?)

This isn't even just to one Odyssey content creator to another, this is one writer to another. Sometimes it's just hard to get the juices flowing. Some weeks I have all the time in the world or an interview/collaboration set up, other weeks I crank out some word vomit thirty minutes before my deadline. It happens. But whether you're trying to meet a due date or just haven't allowed yourself to write in a while, it's important to push yourself and get those precious words articulated! I promise what you have to say is worth reading. Even if your mom won't, even if your boyfriend won't, send that story my way and I will read every letter.

If you have the time and energy but are lacking a topic, I am hoping one of these 50 little prompts can set your mind free from that writer's block and let the magic happen. Maybe next week I'll give number 35 a try.

1. Your favorite hobby


2. Your extended family 

3. Your favorite recipe


4. Your pet 

5. Your sibling(s)

6. Your parents 

7. Your best friend 

8. Your significant other 

9. Your favorite vacation or dream vacation


10. Your political beliefs 

11. Your religious beliefs or lack thereof 

12. Your student organization 

13. Make a playlist!


14. Your favorite artist 

15. Where you like to shop for clothes/your style


16. What's it like living with your roommate 

17. What are you most passionate about 

18. Describe your favorite color without actually naming it 

19. Your favorite things to eat and snack on 

20. Your go to workout/fitness routine


21. Your biggest fears 

22. What you want to be when you grow up 

23. Your favorite family memory 

24. What you would do if you won the lottery, in order of course 

25. What part of your identity is the strongest/means the most to you


26. What is your major and why 

27. What you love about your job 

28. What you hate about your job 

29. Where do you see yourself in 5 years 

30. Where do you see yourself in 30 years 

31. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be

32. If you could have a superpower what would you choose and how would you use it


33. What is something most people don't know about you

34. Plan ahead and do a Q&A about yourself 

35. What is your favorite animal and what would your imaginary life be like if you were one


36. Your favorite TV shows/movies

37. The first three things you would do if you became President of The United States


38. What are your life goals right now 

39. Interview someone you look up to 

40. Make a pros and cons list of a large decision you recently made that could help others with the same/similar large decision


41. What's something you recently learned and are excited about 

42. What is your hometown? Tell us all about it

43. Pick a city you love and make a guide for a tourist

44. Share a routine of yours and how it's beneficial to you 

45. Tell us your favorite jokes


46.  Make up a story with a detailed and ridiculous plot line 

47. Write an open letter to yourself in the future

48. Give a simple and exciting life update 

49. Your favorite ways to de-stress, decompress, and relax


50. Surprise yourself! Step out of your comfort zone and write about something you would never write about. 

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - Toni Morrison
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