40 Songs to Listen to When Your Emotions Get The Best of You
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40 Songs to Listen to When Your Emotions Get The Best of You

*turns volume up 100% and cries*

40 Songs to Listen to When Your Emotions Get The Best of You

Oh my god, another playlist?

1. Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish

2. Silhouette - Aquilo

3. More - Halsey

4. Arise - KAINA

5. Medicine - Daughter

6. Mr. Sandman - SYML

7. Kettering - The Antlers

8. Who I Am - Billy Lockett

9. Run to You - Lea Michele

10. Dust to Dust - The Civil Wars

11. Light - Sleeping At Last

12. You Are a Memory - Message to Bears

13. Leave Your Lover - Echos

14. To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra

15. Follow the Leader - Matthew Ryan

16. Hard Act to Follow - Billy Lockett

17. Lonely - Noah Cyrus

18. Tessa - Steve Jablonsky

19. Forever - Labrinth

20. Time - Hans Zimmer

21. Falling Down - Lil Peep & XXXTentacion

22. Easy - Billy Lockett

23. Odyssey - Fleurie

24. Six Feet Under - Sara Phillips

25. Worse - Dave Thomas Junior

26. I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Miya Folick

27. An Honest Mistake - Mating Ritual & Lizzy Land

28. You're Somebody Else - Flora Cash

29. Undone - Tommee Profitt & Fleurie

30. Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Sloan

31. Barely Breathing - Glee

32. I Don't Want To Lose You - Luca Fogale

33. Under My Skin - SPC ECO

34. The Last One I Made - Pim Stones

35. True Love Waits - Radiohead

36. Amnesia - Five Seconds of Summer

37. Anchor - Novo Amor

38. Remembrance - Balmohrea

39. Wildfire - SYML

40. Lost Without You - Freya Ridings

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