Moments Of 2018 Told By SNL Skits
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Moments Of 2018 Told By SNL Skits

Through the ups and downs of 2018, Saturday Night Live always kept everyone laughing.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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1. New Year Resolutions

Bringing back an oldie, but this pretty much sums up New Year Resolutions.

2. Black Panther New Scene

Black Panther was released in February. Marvel movies were already widely popular. Black Panther featured black actors and highlighted African culture. Star, Chadwick Boseman would later host SNL the following month, where Black Panther's cultural impact was explained and appeared in the skit, Black Jeopardy.

3. Tan France Takes Pete Davidson Shopping

The reality TV show, Queer Eye had a revival with a new cast in 2018. Tan France appears on SNL in March. Queer Eye has also made a cultural impact, putting the LGBTQ community in mainstream media and connecting people of different sexualities.

4. National School Walkout

Gun violence is not a topic to joke about. SNL brings attention to the national protest organized by students with their skits. Even though they throw in jokes, they do mention how gun violence is handled in other countries and the other problems regarding overworked teachers.

5. Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding attracted media attention all over the world. Meghan Markle was an American actress turned British princess. British media paid attention to her mixed heritage, calling her unconventional. SNL picks fun at the other side of the wedding- the British Royal Family.

6. Miss America Cancels Swimsuit Competition

SNL goes on summer break between seasons, so they weren't on set to cover this topic. One of my favorite skits included Kerry Washington in a parody in the Miss Universe pageant, which hasn't replaced the swimsuit competition portion of the competition as of 2018.

7. Drake's Scorpion Album

Drake's songs like Nonstop, I'm Upset, In My Feelings and God's Plan were played all summer. SNL is on break for the summer. Drake constantly guest stars on SNL and never fails to make me laugh.

8. Crazy Rich Asians Released

SNL is still on summer break, but they invited comedian, Awkwafina to host next season. Awkwafina is the second Asian-American actress to host SNL after Lucy Liu in 2003. Crazy Rich Asians was a long-anticipated movie and gave Asian actors to break out of their stereotypes and be represented in Hollywood.

9. Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Cold Open

Judge Brett Kavanaugh's qualifications for accepting his nomination on the Supreme Court were widely debated. His hearing was front and center in American news and politics. SNL came out with a legendary, popular skit that shared their opinions of the situation.

10. Kayne West and Donald TrumpĀ 

Rapper Kayne West shocked the audience and cast when he went off script and openly supported Trump on September 29. At the moment, it left everyone speechless. Later, Pete Davidson has shared his reaction on The Weekend Update. Trump returned the favor and met with Kayne in the Oval Office. This meeting and Kayne's rant inspired SNL's writers for another skit poking fun at the mess of American politics.

11. Midterm Elections

The 2018 Midterm election was the first time I could vote and the first election I paid very close attention to. I also noticed people's passionate reactions and the partisanship presented on the news. It was a new experience for me because I wasn't actively involved in politics.

12. Happy Holidays!

Bringing back an old skit. Former cast member Jimmy Fallon makes an appearance. This skit received an Emmy nomination. Another iconic holiday skit from SNL featuring Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg from 2006.

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