15 Tricks To Treat Yourself This Halloween Season
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15 Tricks To Treat Yourself This  Halloween Season

A lot is happening right now, between school work, world affairs, a global pandemic, political scares, and the nightmares of seasonal depression, we all deserve a hot cup of relaxation during these chilling times.

15 Tricks To Treat Yourself This  Halloween Season

Man oh man, this autumn has been one heck of a fright for most Americans (if you don't think so, tell me your secrets). Many people are still working or "going" to school at home, online, while watching the cases of coronavirus increase, political tensions boil over, and racial/social inequalities becoming more prevalent. And let us all be honest guys, it is exhausting. The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting harsher, and society seems to be getting colder but we need to remember to be kind to not only each other but ourselves too. Here are some things to try to treat yourself in the "spoopiest" way this Halloween.

Try fall flavored soups

Some fun ideas include butternut squash with a chili avocado sour cream doll-up, pumpkin cinnamon chili, loaded potato, and sweet corn chicken and dumplin' soup.

Have a COVID safe bonfire

Grab your favorite people and roast marshmallows or cook weenies and kabobs around a toasty fire.

Mix up your s'mores

Who said only graham crackers are the only way to eat a perfectly roasted marshmallow and chocolate? My personal favorite substitute is a cheese danish cut in half with a burnt marshmallow and chocolate for a comforting toasty treat. If you like more cinnamon vibes, and don't mind a little mess, you can use a cinnamon roll. When you think about it the possibilities are basically endless

Cozy up with a good movie and snacks

If you haven't seen Hubie's Halloween on Netflix you are missing out. It is perfect for some older school silliness, it also has a heartwarming message, and has a beautiful cast of friends paying tribute to the late Cameron Boyce. Of course there are also some classics such as, any Disney/Pixar childhood film, any scary/Halloween themed episode of your favorite show, or truly terrifying thrillers for the more brave-hearted. There is a little bit of everything for you to sit back and relax to in comfy Halloween pajamas with your favorite snacks.

Carve pumpkins with your favorite person

Grab your favorite person and carve some pumpkins. Whether you pick it from your local farm or have to buy it from the store, find your favorite one to take home and get to work on. Put on Halloween Wars for some fun inspiration as you each carve your own pumpkin.

Bake some tasty fall treats

Between pumpkin pie, apple cider donuts, and spooky graveyard candy pudding, how could you not try at least one dessert while at home?

Figure out your Halloween costume this year

COVID or not, pastries or not, dress up. Dress up even if you are just watching movies as a family, figure out your holiday plans and then find your costume. Do you want to dress up as different movie characters and then have a marathon seeing yourselves on the big screens? Dress up and reenact your favorite scary movie as a group while its playing? Household Halloween contest? Door decorating competition along with matching/complimenting costume? The possibilities!!!

Go for a walk

It is starting to cool down and the leaves are getting ready to shake themselves right off the trees. Enjoy a brisk walk in the crisp air and smell the scents of autumn. What trees are changing colors already? How many people are having bon fires? Are any houses decorated?

Try new drinks

Whether its a new spiked apple cider or a cinnamon cold brew coffee, spice up your drinks this year with more than just pumpkin and chai. My personal favorite is apple spice or apple cinnamon.

Find your favorite fall candle

I love lighting my basic apple cinnamon candle all fall long y'all (try saying that ten times fast). Pumpkin spice, french vanilla, cinnamon, apple cider, crisp leaves, bonfires, and overall childhood memories are all staple fall scents that bring you right into your perfect Halloween mood. Bring back memories of camping, baking with your Nana, or sitting around a camp fire with your buddies by lighting a candle and relaxing.

*Bonus: my grandmother uses lavender and cedar wood in her house a lot and it has this same serotonin releasing effect.

Organize your favorite comfy sweaters

Do you prefer color coded or organized by thickness? Ladies, do you organize it by which ones are see through or not? Fellas, are we going with tighter to show off the quarantine workout gains or cozier to cuddle up in? Its nice to organize your clothes and see all those knits and hoodies you have been dying to wear for months now.


It is so fun to put some fake cob webs on your bushes, some sticky cutouts on your windows, and lights up in the windows for all to admire and see. The dollar store has hazard tape, ghost cut outs, and other cute decorations to put outside or around the house.

Find some new boozy drinks that will leave you feeling ghoulish

There are a lot of recipes online for college students and young adults over the legal drinking age to try at home with their housemates and friends. You could also try some fun virgin cocktails for family parties and work gatherings.

Have a photo shoot

Dress up, look amazing, whatever you are comfortable in. Victorian dress with a fake bird and a sword? Do it. A cute Pokemon? Do it. Zombie with no eyes and a bad hair day? Do it. However elaborate or basic you want it to be, feel confident in how your body is and who you are. Embrace Halloween/Fall and have a photo shoot outside, inside, wherever you can. Have fun with it and be safe.

Try a new scented hand soap/body wash 

My favorite recently has been oat scented body wash but any scent you like works. It just adds a little extra touch to your shower or hand washing experience.

Overall, remember to take care of yourself, mentally, physically, and emotionally this season and don't let anything ruin your spirits (or invite the spirits of others in) this creepy Autumn.

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